Charming Criminal [5]

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"Told you I'd be okay."

You rolled your eyes and clipped your bag locker shut, circling around Light as he leaned his shoulder against your locker. "I'm so glad," you deadpanned, already marching away.

Light chuckled, jogging after you. "You seemed pretty worried about me last night," he reminded you, but you brushed him off with a humorless smile.

"I told you - I didn't want to be held responsible for your death," you challenged, shooting him a sideways glance as you walked abreast down the hallway.

Ryuk guffawed behind you, and you spared him an odd look before checking your watch. You had a few minutes before class. "Hey Light, you're going to To-Oh University aren't you?"

"Of course," he said nonchalantly. "You thinking of going too?"

You sighed through your nose, scratching your cheek. "I probably won't make the entrance exams."

Light rolled his eyes and gave your shoulder a nudge. "Of course you will. If you keep studying with me, there'll be no doubt about it!"

You bit your lip, stopping suddenly and earning a dirty look from someone you'd bumped shoulders with. "I've never really thank you, Light - for tutoring me."

The boy blinked in surprise, before the corners of his lips quirked. "Oh? What's this? Are you willing to do me a favour to make it up to me?" He asked hopefully.

You tsked, crossing your arms. "Don't put words in my mouth, Yagami. I'm just thanking you for your time, that's all." Flashing him a wan smile, you walked off to class.

This time, Light let you go without hindrance, watching you leave before turning his attention to Ryuk.

"You decided what you're gonna do about that stalker?"

Light shot him a wicked grin, shoving his hands in his pockets. "I have a plan, don't worry. First I gotta get [Y/N] to agree to go on a date with me."


"Say, [Y/N], I know how you can make it up to me for tutoring you!"

You rolled your eyes, sticking your chopstick into the bowl and scooping up a mouthful of noodles. "I don't owe you anything."

Light tittered under his breath, leaning his body over the desk, fingers steepled beneath his chin. "How about a date?"

"W-what?!" You choked out as some of your food lodged in your throat, and you began patting your chest.

Light rolled his eyes and reclined in his chair. "Go on a date with me. It'll be fun."

"No. Way," you said through gritted teeth, glancing down and setting your chopsticks aside. "These damn tutor sessions is bad enough."

Light scoffed. "You were telling me how grateful you were a minute ago!"

Ignoring him, you pushed back your chair and made to leave when he suddenly grabbed your wrist. "Plus, this'll be more fun. We can go to -"

You shrugged him off, shooting a glare over your shoulder. "I think I already spend more time with you than I'd like to, so there's no way I'm going to willingly spend any more."

Light sighed as you picked up your tray, the bowl sliding askew as you veered slightly to the left. "Then how about I cancel all tutor sessions this week and we go on a date at the weekend?"

You stared at him for a long moment, feigning consideration. "Ehh... how about no."

He threw his hands up exasperatedly, catching the attention of the girls sat next to you. "Why do you dislike me so much?!"

You wrinkled your nose, feeling your cheeks redden under the sudden attention. "You're just one of those people.... who I don't like."

"Wow. What a pathetic excuse."

You rolled your eyes, jaw set forward. "Why can't you ask someone else? You have enough girls fawning over you."

Light narrowed his eyes, lips forming a small oval. "Are you jealous of that?"

"Oh sure, because I really want a bunch of girls fawning over me," you deadpanned, and Light held out his hands.

"Hey, you could be interested in girls. There's nothing wrong with that."

You shifted the tray in your hand, arms aching from holding it up for so long. "Wouldn't dash your hopes?"

Light bit his lip, dragging his eyes away from yours. "Maybe."

You faltered a little at this, before composing yourself. He was probably messing with you again. "Whatever. I'm still not going on a date with you," you said with a finalising tone, and walked away.

Charming Criminal | Light Yagami ✓Where stories live. Discover now