Charming Criminal [15]

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"Is anyone sitting here?"

You lifted your head, shielding your eyes from the glare of the sun over Light's shoulder, and shook your head. The brunet sat heavily onto the bench next to you, and you closed the book you'd previously been pouring over, pushing it aside. "Everything okay?"

"Wonderful," he said, smiling that unassuming smile. His eyes looked clear and bright and rather lovely under the sun, but you kept that thought to yourself. Just friends.

"Why, because Kira killed a load more criminals last night?" You asked distractedly, your mind still on the conversation with Ryuga last night. I suspect Light Yagami is actually Kira.

Light swallowed, and his smile dimmed. You saw the lump in his throat bob like a buoy in the ocean. "That's not something I really think about first thing on a morning," he muttered, frowning slightly.

You looked down at your hands, splayed out on the table. You weren't being very discreet. "I haven't seen Ryuk around lately," you said instead, noting the empty space behind him which you'd gotten used to seeing occupied by the monster.

Light shrugged, not quite meeting your eye. "He gets bored of following me round at college," he said simply. "Anyway, don't let me distract you. What're you reading anyhow?"

"Oh, uh, Osamu Dazai."

"Oh? A very profound author. How're you finding it?"

You gave him a lopsided smile. "Very profound."

He laughed at that. "I see. Hey, uh, have you seen Ryuga around?"

Your lips felt suddenly cold, melting that smile right away. "No, I haven't," you said, remembering his phone call for the fifth time that morning. I'm L... I suspect Light Yagami is actually Kira.

"Hey, what's that look for?" Light moved so that you were forced to look at him. "Did something happen between you?"

You licked your lips, nervously, wondering how much to tell him.

"He... he didn't say anything strange, did he?" There was a slight tremor in his voice when he said that; undetectable to any outsider, but you'd been hanging around Light long enough to notice it, that slightest dip, stammer, lilt in tone. You weren't sure what it meant.

You studied him carefully. Did Light already know, about Ryuga's identity, about his theories. "Yes, as a matter of fact he did."

Light's cheeks dipped as he sucked in a sharp breath. "Don't tell me here. I'll come over after college okay?"

"Wait, what?" He was already standing up, brushing down the seat of his pants. "Light?" He ignored you and started off, his bag swinging loosely over his shoulder. You growled in frustration. That idiot had just invited himself over to your house and then completely ignored you.

"Ugh, idiot."


"Thanks for having me over."

You shot him a gently cynical smile. "Thanks for giving me a choice."

The corner of Light's eyes bunched into little creases as he smiled. "Sorry about that. I just... I wanted somewhere safe to talk."

Charming Criminal | Light Yagami ✓Where stories live. Discover now