Charming Criminal [34]

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A/N — Firstly, I just want to thank @auburnbrunetteb & @GayForVolleyball for their suggestions for the ending. Although I didn't definitively use your ideas, your help was really appreciated & incredibly useful in making me come up with this, so everyone else should go and show them some love too! And lastly, even with people's help, don't expect this to be good. It's rushed and sudden, and very very unrealistic, but remember it's just a fanfic written for fun, okay? Plus the chapter's so long I couldn't be bothered to check through it so I apologise for any obvious errors/bad writing. I might come back and edit it someday, but who knows? I kinda just want to finish it already lol.

So anyway, without further ado, let's get on with the final chapter!


Light knew that you would no longer be deceived by the illusion he had fabricated with his charm. He knew your trust in him was beginning to wither, like petals on a rose that had been tarnished by frost, and were now falling off, one-by-one, exposing all of the thorns that lay hidden beneath.

Since touching that piece of the death note, you'd been a threat to him. Everything that had followed had simply been a way to keep you loyal, to stop you from betraying him. He'd forged a friendship that, maybe, at some point had become real, but it was built on lies. And once all of those lies and secrets started to unravel, the whole thing would just collapse. It was collapsing. Because you'd seen the sides of him that were ugly, he'd exposed the immorality and sin that lay behind the mask of justice he had crowned himself with.

Now it was only a matter of time before one of you decided to sever the strings that were holding you as his puppet.

As the days imprisoned at the base passed by, you grew more agitated. Ryuk's warning continued to badger you like a record stuck on repeat. In every moment of solitude, every second of doubt, his words stole over you like a nasty chill, luring you into dark places previously kept under lock and key. And it was starting to scare you, terrify you even. 

Light's smiles were now cold and hostile. You saw a threat, a warning in every glance he sent your way. Paranoia hung over you like a storm cloud.

And yet, no matter how much you hated Light, you couldn't reveal him as Kira.

Because you knew that if you did, your end would be inevitable.

"Is something going on between you and Yagami-San?" L asked on the fifth day, as you were lounging on one of the sofas downstairs, pouring over a book. You, L and Matsuda were the only ones present, and you could see the latter detective trying to subtly listen in to your conversation.

"Not really," you mumbled, but you had guessed L would notice your cold behaviour sooner or later. "I'm just... pissed about having to spend all day here with only you for company."

"I don't think it's that," he said dismissively. "You seem to be scared of Light."

You stiffened, your throat feeling dry and tight all of a sudden. You had to clear it twice before you could speak properly. "Why would I be scared of Light?"

"Because you know he's Kira. You know he could kill you if you mess things up."

It was stifling how right he was. And you could tell him he was, right there and then, you could tell him everything. Light wasn't there. He wouldn't know until it was too late, until his capture and arrest had been set in motion... You squeezed close your eyes, heart pounding in your throat as anticipation knotted your stomach painfully.

This was it. Tell him. Just tell him, and this whole mess would be over and-

"What're you two talking about?"

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