Charming Criminal [10]

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It wasn't long before the day of the entrance exams were upon you. You'd crammed in as much revision as physically possible before the date, sacrificing your weekends to meet up with Light and have regular study sessions, until you knew your textbooks back to front, and then back again.

Your stomach flipped and rolled and keeled over with nervous energy as you waited outside the exam hall, striking up a marching pace every now and then as the other student's voices filled the corridor with a static buzz.

"Hey [Y/N]-San," a familiar voice said, making your nerves settle before sparking alight again. You turned round and saw Light waving at you with his usual winsome smile. "You all revised and ready?"

You pulled a face. "I don't know. I'm starting to forget everything," you fretted. "Maybe it was a bad idea trying to get into such a good university. Maybe I should go home and-"

"Hey, hey, wait a second. You'll be fine. You've worked really really hard for this. You're gonna do great, I just know it. Look, everyone's going in. We don't want to be the last ones right?"

Untangling a deep breath, you nodded and swivelled round to face the door to the hall, standing on someone's foot in the process. "Whoops, sorr-y..." you trailed off, frowning in confusion at the foot you'd just stepped on - the bare, sock-less, shoe-less foot, the pale skin taking you by complete surprise. "Uhm." You lifted your head hesitantly, further taken aback by the young man lingering in front of you. His expression was unreadable, vacant of any pain or discomfort, but he looked tired. Awfully tired. Thick black shadows hung under both eyes, leaching any colour from his complexion, making him seem ghostly and ethereal, translucent. He offered you a strange smile before turning and away and slipping back into the crush of students, as if he'd never been there to begin with.

"He looked kinda weird," Light commented, resting his hand against the small of your back to guide you forward.

"You don't say. Who goes round wearing nothing on their feet?!"

[ » ]

It turned out the mysterious figure from before was sat directly behind Light during the exam. You were positioned a couple of seats behind and to the left, giving you a clear perspective of the two of them the whole time. The ravenette turned out to be more oddly-mannered than you'd originally thought; the exam was delayed to begin with due to his incongruous seating position, with both feet planted on the chair and his knees crouched and resting against the top of the table. It was odd to say the least, but admittedly the distraction did manage to alleviate your nerves.

The time raced by quickly in the exam, and you stretched out of your seat feeling somewhat confident you'd done okay. The answers had inked from your pen much more confidently than you felt, and you could only put it down to Light's help. You were still partially sour to his popularity and attitude at school, but no matter what you thought, he was still a decent guy, and the first real friend you'd had. You definitely owed him one if it turned out you did well in the exam.

"Hey, wait up," Light called, jogging up to you. His cheeks were flushed a soft pink, his lungs breathless from trying to catch up with you.

You wrinkled your nose, not wanting to appear overly-confident in case things didn't work out in your favour after all. "I really don't know. I thought I answered them okay but I guess I can't be sure."

Light reached over and patted your head, ruffling up your hair, and smiled that over-confident smile that made your stomach go all jittery. "Well I'm confident you did great. So how about we celebrate with a drink or something."

"It's a bit premature for a celebration, don't you think?" You muttered distractedly as your attention was snagged by something else - the boy from before. He was stood a few paces away from you, invisible to the rest of crowd, with his shoulders slouched forward, black hair tousled and unkempt, not unwashed, but unbrushed, and those dark eyes pinned directly on you. You dipped your brows forward, pulling your lips into a tight line, before Light was tugging you along, his hand resting lightly on your arm.

Charming Criminal | Light Yagami ✓Where stories live. Discover now