Charming Criminal [12]

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"Wait, let me get this straight... so, technically Kira... saved your life?"

The statement was indeed an odd one, an unsettling one in some respects. The God of Death had let you live, it translated to roughly. Yet it was nonetheless a statement unsullied by lies. It was the truth. Pure, unalloyed truth. Perhaps it had been a mistake on Kira's mistake, an unintentional slip, but the twisted strings of fate had weaved it so.

You nodded. "Fucking crazy right?"

Light flinched at the expletive, the corners of his brows curving forward, but he didn't put forward a comment. You were right. It was fucking crazy. Perhaps not as much to Light. "You're okay though, right? Not shaken up too much? You've been through an awful lot this month." You knew what he was referring to, and your gut tightened in response. Death seemed to have been shadowing you an awful lot more than you were used to as of late. As little as you wanted to admit it, the incidents, that unsettling feeling, it all seemed to have stemmed from the day you'd encountered Ryuk. You didn't want to believe there was a correlation between the two, but you couldn't dismiss fact either.

You shrugged again, coming to a stop outside the gate of a children's park to gather your thoughts. It was empty, as was usual for eight o'clock on a Saturday morning, the swings jerking in the wind with eerie creaks and groans as the metal chains chafed the frame. "I'm okay. Last night was a bit of a shock, that's all. I'm not used to people dying on me in the middle of the street." There was a tremor of humour in your voice, but it could hardly account for much. You still felt sick, every time your thoughts scattered and you found yourself replaying the scene, over and over and over... "I'm sorry for waking you up, by the way. I'm not sure why I called you. I just... wanted someone to talk to I guess."

"Don't worry 'bout it. I was pretty worried about you though. You didn't have to hang up so soon if you wanted to talk. Although, I do wish you had let me walk you home," he said, shoving his hands in his pockets, sniffing loudly.

You pursed your lips, looking down at your feet. "Yeah, but what exactly could you have done? No offence," you added as an afterthought.

Light's brows arched. "I thought offence was your primary motive when it came to me." You looked away, a shadow falling across your face. Things change, you wanted to say, but your lips were glued shut. "Anyway I guess you're right. There's not much I could've done, but... I just would've liked to have been there for you, that's all. It's scary going through stuff like that on your own."

There it was again. That charm. That stupid, irresistible charm that made you weak at the knees and your heart swell up and your mind all dizzy-

No. Don't go there [Y/N], you mentally warned yourself. Light Yagami is not worth the heartache.

"Whatever. You probably would've run away screaming like a little girl," you scoffed, striking up a slow walk again, passing the empty park with its ghostly wails, invisible occupants. "The whole police interview was weird though. The guy was really nervous. He left as soon as I realised the whole thing was connected to Kira."

Light hummed, thoughtful. "What was his name? I might know him."

You scratched the back of your head, trying to remember. Your thoughts could be elusive little things when they wanted. "Uh, I think it was Matsu- something."

"Oh, Matsuda?"

You shook your head; no bells were ringing in your mind. "No, not quite. Matsu... Matsui. Yeah, Matsui... I think." You shrugged. "Anyway it was weird. Too secretive. I mean, a guy has a heart attack and they question me. What the hell am I supposed to know?"

Light chuckled, flicking away a stray piece of hair. "I guess they're just being cautious, in case you saw anything that might be helpful. Anything that might give them a new lead on the Kira case," he suggested, and you remembered his father's involvement as Chief. "My father hasn't asked me anything about it though, considering I was with you only an hour before it happened."

You bit your lip, eyes dropping suddenly to look down at your feet. "About that, I kind of lied to them."

Light stopped, suddenly, the presence at your side disappearing, turning cold. You paused too and turned around. "What about?"

You felt guilty then, stupid. Was Light going to be annoyed at you, for hindering an investigation? "I told them I went to the movies with Otsune Fumihiko, a girl from my old class. I just... I don't know, I panicked and I didn't want to get you involved in case you got a grilling from your dad. Agh, I know it was a stupid thing to do."

Light was looking at you, his expression unreadable, those eyes calculating but otherwise blank, not a clue to what was going on inside his head. Then his face softened, the muscles around his jaw growing lax, and he shrugged. "Hey don't worry about it. It's not as though it was a crucial detail. Thanks for looking out for me though." Then he did something strange. He reached over and patted your head, an almost childish, affectionate gesture. You smacked his arm away, cheeks burning.


He rolled a stone beneath his shoes, putting his hands in his pockets again, that gesture you did when you didn't know what else to say.

You searched for a way to break the ice. "Hey don't we get the results today? Whether we go into To-Oh or not?" You suddenly remembered.

Light's eyes lit up at this. "Yes, I believe we do. They come in the post. Are you excited?"

"Might as well start looking at vacancies in the local supermarket," you muttered in response, only half-jokingly. Light smacked the back of your head. "Hey, what the hell was that for?!"

He rolled his eyes. "For being stupid. I wish you'd stop doubting yourself so much. Trust me, you're smarter than you think."

"Fine, fine," you said, waving him away in embarrassment. "I guess I'll take your word for it."

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Uwahh tysm for 3k reads & 300 votes! You guys are awesomeeee <3

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