Charming Criminal [27]

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You always hated hospitals. You hated how clinical they always looked, how shiny and white the floors were, so that your shoes squeaked when you walked. But it was an artificial cleanliness, not really there, because really the place reeked of disease and illness and death. If you looked a little closer, past the blinding white walls, you'd see the ghosts that hung in the corners, leering at you, envying the living, creating patches of damp and mould in the corners, behind the beds, stringing cobwebs around the grey strip lights that studded the low-slung ceiling.

You'd seen the face of so much tragedy this year. And it only seemed to fuel your support of Kira. You wanted him to succeed so that you didn't have to be faced with it ever again.

Keeping your head low, you walked solemnly up to the receptionist, letting her know your family name and who you were. She directed you to the ward and you picked your way nervously through the room full of beds, your eyes falling briefly on the occupants and then looking away as you saw the gaunt, empty faces staring back at you. You hoped your mother didn't look like that. When you got to the right bed, she was asleep; the plain white sheet had been drawn right up to her chin, revealing her smooth, ashen face.

Before you sat down, you called a nurse over, asking if he knew what had happened to her, but he only shook his head and went off to find someone who did. You waited on the chair next to her, your hands falling on the thin handrails of the bed as you took in your mother's pallid face. Her lips were thin and colourless, and her forehead was covered with a thin sheen of sweat. You reached over and placed a hand on her brow, finding it hot and sweaty beneath your skin.

"She has a bit of a stubborn fever," a voice said behind you, and you reflexively jumped back as a women stepped into view, wearing green doctor's scrubs. "We'll try another wet cloth to bring it down and she should be fine."

"Can you tell me what happened?" You asked as the doctor spoke to the male nurse in a hushed voice and sent him off. She then turned to you, pale blue eyes on yours.

"You're her daughter?"

"Yes. [L/N] [F/N]," you introduced briefly, running the pad of your thumb over your mum's hand. You didn't get a response.

"I'm Doctor Shimizu. Your mother was involved in a mugging incident. From what I believe, the attacker was caught on the scene and arrested. In broad daylight too. It's a wonder these people are being so reckless with Kira still out there," she added as an afterthought, suddenly appearing embarrassed at the mention of the killer. "She was stabbed in the lower abdomen," she went on, drumming her fingers against a tube that was pumping fluids into your mother's system and checking the monitor that was hooked up with wires, beeping steadily. She jotted something down on the clipboard she'd extracted from the bottom of the bed, squirting antibacterial onto her hands, and then turned to face you again. "But she's stable. The wound wasn't too deep, but we're unsure of the fever so we might have to keep her in for a few more days."

You nodded, swallowed back the emotion clotting your throat, and gave her hand a squeeze. "Will she wake up soon?"

The doctor spared a glance at the clock, her dark ponytail swaying side to side. "We gave her a sedative a few hours ago but she should wake up soon. It depends," she admitted, tucking her hands into the pocket of her scrubs. "I'll leave you to it. If you need any assistance, one of the nurse's will be happy to help."

* * *

You ended up falling asleep yourself while waiting for her to wake up, your head resting on the bed and your body slumped forward at an awkward angle. When you woke up, your neck was stiff and cramped and you had difficulty turning to face the person who had shaken you awake. At first, you thought it was your mum, but she was still fast asleep, and then you noticed someone else stood next to you, a shadow in the corner of your vision.

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