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I wake up and look at my phone: 8:39 a.m. I'm surprised I woke up before my alarm clock. Still having an excited feeling in my gut, I text Gabbie, even though she's still probably sleeping.



Gabbie: What could you possibly want at 9 in the morning?


Gabbie: I thought you weren't excited about today AT ALL.

Liza: okay okay you caught me. IM HELLA EXCITED.

Gabbie: are u even going to drink..
Drinking. I'm 18. Is drinking even a big part of having fun..I'm sure I could have fun without it..maybe. I can't let my parents know either. They don't even know I'm going to a party. I told them that I'm going to carpool with Gabbie tomorrow for school so I'll be sleeping over at her house. It's only a little white lie..right? I will not drink. But I will still go to the party. I lie to Gabbie and say that I will drink. She reads but doesn't answer..she's most likely getting ready and I should too. Although it is less than 12 hours away.

I lie in bed for the next hour, scrolling through Instagram. Once again I run into Zane's post. This time I scroll through the comments.

Gabbie commented: can't wait for tonight ;)
Zane then commented back: neither can I. you'll be smelling my alcohol breath as I kiss you up and down.

Umm..GROSS! But now I'm wondering..is that how Gabbie got Zane to invite me..by using her love?

I can't stay mad at Gabbie though, she got me invited to this party. I get out my laptop and scroll through my YouTube channel, yes I do have a YouTube channel. No one knows about it yet, although I am planning to tell Gabbie.

I look at the time 10:37, less than 10 hours until the party. I get out my camera and set up for a video I'm about to do. I'm all set up, but I'm missing a huge part about a YouTube video..the actual content. I open my journal and look at my ideas.




-Types of Kids in School

-Types of ______


I GOT IT!! TYPES OF PEOPLE AT PARTIES. I fix my backdrop, sit down on my couch, press record, and talk.

"Hey what up guys, it's yo girl Liza coming at you with a brand new video!" I exclaim getting close to the camera. "Todays video will be Types Of People At Parties, because well I'm going to a party tonight." I saw flipping my hair sarcastically. "Alright so first we have the drunk, I swear these people are everywhere. "Hey pretty momma, let's go get wasted"' I imitate them being drunk as I've seen them. "Next up we have the guy that hooks up with EVERYONE, AND I MEAN EVERYONE" I state loudly but quietly enough so I don't wake my parents up. "Yooo wassup girl you be looking good tonight, how does that body look naked." I smirk as I finish speaking, I do that whole thing in this accent that I don't even know what to call it. I also dressed up for this part in a flannel, grey beanie, fake tattoos, and drawn on facial hair. I finish filming the video, say my goodbyes, turn off the camera and get straight to editing. As I'm putting the clips together I can't help but laugh. This is my true passion and personality.

It is currently now lunch time as I finish up editing, I am starving. I go downstairs to my parents and make myself a grilled cheese sandwich.


7 hours later..


It is now 7 p.m. almost time for the party. I dress up in the outfit Gabbie chose yesterday, say goodbye to my mom and dad, and head out the door to Gabbie's house.

Once I arrive at Gabbie's house it is now 7:15, I walk through the front door because I am basically family and go to Gabbie's room.

"GUBBIEEE, GUESS WHOOO?" I scream entering her room.

"LIZAA!! THE PARTY IS IN 45 MINUTES. ARE YOU READY FOR YOUR FIRST PARTY?" She shouts back just as happy as I am.

"I saw on Instagram you are..are you and Zane a thing?! Tell me EVERYTHING!"

Honestly, I wouldn't be that surprised if they are dating. Like I said earlier, Zane dates EVERYONE. As long as Zane makes her happy and doesn't just use her for sex then I'm happy for them.

"We aren't yet but hopefully he asks me at the party! Imagine how cute that would be..AWEEE!"

"AWWEEE" I mock back.


It is now time for the party, I grab my purse making sure I have everything needed. My phone, check. Keys, check. Gum, check. And Wallet, check. Of course I have other useless crap lying around in my purse, but I guess maybe they will be helpful one day.

Gabbie and I head out the door dressed all adorable, we take a couple selfies and formal pictures her mom took. I check the time 7:48. Okay, thankfully Zane's house isn't far away from Gabbies.


We walk up the driveway to Zane's front door. There are so many cars already and it's only just turned 8 right now. My heart pounds fast as Gabbie rings the doorbell. We see movement in the inside and soon enough Zane comes to open the door.

"Hey cutie." Zane says to Gabbie not even noticing me. He takes Gabbie's hand and pulls her inside, as I walk in I already notice Zane is taking her upstairs, Gabbie following behind quickly not wanting to lose him in the crowd.

I take a seat on a couch in what I'm guessing is the living room. I pull out my phone and realize this party isn't going to be as fun as I thought without Gabbie.

Minutes pass and the only place I see Gabbie is on the couch..with you guessed it..Zane. No, No they aren't just casually talking, hell I don't even know if they are breathing, because they are full on having a make out session right now.

I look at my phone once again. 2 texts from my mom.

How is Gabbie?

Are you guys having fun?

I feel like texting her back but I won't because I honestly have no clue what to say. I sincerely don't want to lie anymore.

"Is anybody sitting here?" I hear a deep voice behind me say. I turn around and see...

Young Love (A Diza Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now