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I wake up, David not next to me. But I am completely naked, reminding me of last night, I smile. I search for my phone and see 4 texts from David.

Goodmorning babe

Sorry I left early, didn't want my mom finding out I was at your house

You were great last night ;)

Love you and call me when you get these.


I call David right away and he picks up almost instantly..like always.

"Hey baby, I'll be at your house in 20 minutes. Get ready!"

"Goodmorning, what do you me--" He hangs up while I was still talking.


I get out of bed and go to my closet, not knowing how to dress so I dress simple. Ripped jeans, my Beatles shirt with holes in it, and my black Converse. I throw on all my clothes. I trudge across the hallway to the bathroom to do my makeup. I go light with everything. As I'm looking in the mirror doing my makeup I notice something on my neck..a hickey. Great, just great. One more thing I have to hide from everyone. I keep on my same clothes because it isn't a big hickey so hopefully no one notices. Although I do call Gabbie and tell her EVERYTHING.


Ring once, ring twice, ring three times. Then I hear that familiar voice.

"LIZAAA! HUN HOW ARE YOU?" She shouts into the phone.

"GABBIEEE! I'M GREAT. LISTEN I HAVE TO TELL YOU SOMETHING BUT YOU CANNOT TELL ANYONE." I say also being loud but not to loud because I'm not sure if my mom is home yet.


"Okay..so umm.."


I chuckle to myself because I didn't spit it out last night with David..if you know what I mean.

"Okay so David and I were filming a video for my channel..and we went to clean up..and he was shirtless..and I was really horny.."


"GABBIE SHUT THE FUCK UP! Yes okay I did. It was great..like really good. Well now, I have a hickey on my neck and like I don't want it there."


"No, we don't. But Gabbie I'm not even his girlfriend yet. But look, I have to go I'll talk to you later."

"YOU AREN'T HIS GIRLFRIEND YET AND YOU FUCKED, DAMN WHAT A REBEL. Okay bye baby, we better talk later."


I ended the call so abruptly because I heard my doorbell ring knowing it was David. I run downstairs and answer it. He is dressed in all black and a snapback..not a surprise.

"So baby what are we doing?" I ask still confused on what he wants.

"Just come with me and here. Put this on and don't peek. I love you." He hands me a blindfold. But wait did he just say I love you. Do I say I love you back? I don't. I put the blindfold on and don't talk.

He takes my hand and pulls me in a direction, no clue where I am.

"Take it off." He finally says after what felt like forever.

I take off my blindfold and I see the most amazing thing I have ever seen. The park, but not just the park. It is decorated beautifully. This is where I first really got close because of my clumsiness I fell on top of him.

"Wh-What is this all about?" I ask confused on why it's decorated.

"Liza. This is for you. This is for us. The moment I saw you at the party I knew you were the one that will make me happy forever. When I invited you to the park because of what happened the night of the party, I knew I made the right choice to talk to you once again. I wasn't happy when I wasn't around you. Liza, you make me so happy. I want to give you my love and I want all your love. Liza? Will you be my girlfriend?" He says making me tear up. He gets on one knee like a proposal and he hands me a promise ring. He has the matching one.

"Of course I will be your girlfriend. You make me so happy. I didn't know what love was until I met you." I say staring into his deep brown eyes. He puts the ring on my ring finger and I just stare at it in total awe. He did this all for me to be his girlfriend?

I see him staring at my lips..and I can't lie, I was staring at his lips too. He leaned in and I leaned in too. We kissed once again, and it felt like magic.

I am the girlfriend of David Dobrik.

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