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I arrive at David, Alex, and Dom's apartment. I knock and Alex answers the door almost immediately. Alex has his arms open for a hug, knowing something bad has happened. I bury my face into his chest are start to cry. His warmth surrounds me, repeating that everything will be okay. It is nothing but silent as I stand there and cry. I take my head out of his chest and go to the bathroom to wash off my smeared makeup.

"I'm sorry Alex. I didn't mean to be that emotional. I'm just so scared for what's going to happen to David." I sniffle.

"What's going to happen to David? Is he okay?" I forgot that I haven't told Alex what has happened. I start to tear up again but I scoff up what did happen with Jessi and David. Alex stands there in shock, no emotion, just his eyes wide. He wraps me up in his arms and apologizes for what happened.

"Liza, I promise you everything will be okay. David will make it out strong." He whimpers.

"Thanks Alex, I'm pretty tired and it's been a long night. Where can I sleep for the night?"

"Well, there's David's room or the couch or my room and I could sleep on the couch." He offers.

"I can sleep in David's room. Thanks. I'll see you tomorrow morning..get some rest, school tomorrow. Goodnight."

I sludge down the hallway to David's room and collapse onto his bed. I smell a familiar scent of David and start to tear up, surprise huh? I shut my eyes and hope for the best sleep.


I drive to school with Alex in the passenger seat. Once we arrive at school we both go our separate ways but plan to meet during our fourth period free.

During my Spanish period, I leave to go to the bathroom, Señora Hernandez lets me because I am fluent in Spanish, so this class is basically a free credit. I walk through the hall to the bathroom. I go into the farthest stall, knowing its the cleanest, yet people for some reason think it's the dirtiest.

As I sit in the stall, I hear the door open but think nothing of it. That was until I heard these people talking in familiar voices.

"Good job and thank you, that should scare Liza off for now." A voice says.

"Anytime, funny how she actually thought I liked her haha!" Another very familiar voice states.

"But I heard David isn't dead so that is fucking terrible. You wounded him pretty damn bad though." The more this person talks, the more I recognize the voice. I'm one hundred percent sure the other person in here is Jessi, but who would want to sabotage David and why?

"I heard I was pretty damn close though! Got some skill for a one time thing."

"Fucking incredible!"

Who is that? It is so familiar and I can't put my tongue on it. The door opens again. Damn it, I blew my chance. Not what I thought was going to happen, it was a third person, and this unfamiliar third person gave me just what I was looking for.

"Gabbie, Jessi, Mr. Anderson is looking for you!" Just what I needed, boy is luck on my side today. I take out my phone and record in voice audio.

"Shelly! Did you hear what Jessi did? It was fucking incredible and all my idea!" Gabbie stated excitedly.

"Oh my gosh no!! Jessi you daredevil what did you do?" Shelly whispers.

"I stabbed David Dobrik 14 times! Gabbie told me to pretend and like Liza so I could kill David later! Sadly, it didn't work!" Jessi says frowning.

"Yes!!! We were planning to kill David so Liza would kill herself, no one wants her here anymore. She is so fucking worthless!" Gabbie exclaims.

"That is so fucking hilarious and great!! I have some bad ass bitches for best friends! Why don't we just kill Liza? No, no wait! I got a better idea. Lets kill all the ones she loves so we can see her fucking suffer in depression!" Shelly says. I try my hardest to stay as quiet as possible, even though I want to scream for help right now.

"Genius!!" Jessi and Gabbie scream at the same time. They walk out of the bathroom giggling.

I walk out of the stall and begin breathing extremely hard. I feel as if I am having a panic attack but I soon catch up to my breath and start breathing normal again. Luckily Spanish is my second class, so I have to get through one more class until my free. Then, I can show Alex what I recorded.


I text Alex to meet me in the photography lab as I know no one is in there because the teacher isn't here today. He shows up on time and we sit at the table. I take out my phone.

"What is this?" He asks.

"Just listen." I say. "I will explain after you listen to it all."

As Alex is listening to the audio, I just watch his facial expressions at every word said. I start to tear up hearing what was said again. Why do they want me to die so much? I never did anything to them or would ever plan to hurt them.

"Liza, I am so sorry. Don't worry, no one can hurt you with me by your side, and David once he feels better." Alex says calmly. "They don't know you are at my apartment, so if they target your house they wont get anything from it."

"I just don't understand why it's me. I never did anything to any of them. It's not like I'm popular either. Gabbie likes Zane, I didn't steal Zane, I have David. I wouldn't want anyone else, so it can't be relationships."

"I don't know Liza. It's so scary. I promise I won't let anything bad happen to you." He opens his arms once again for a hug. I hug him tightly and kiss his cheek, just as friends. He kisses my cheek back and smiles.


Our free period ends and we leave eachother to go to our next class. As I am sitting in class, I hear people giggling behind me. I look behind me to see what they are laughing at, they suddenly just stop and stare. What could've possibly happened now? I look forward again and I hear many phone notifications go off. I take out my phone to see exactly what happened. I look at Snapchat first, maybe it was just a funny BuzzFeed post, but there was nothing. Then, I search Instagram. LizaIsAWhore. Gabbie must've posted. Almost everyone has notifications on for when she posts on that account..really? But what could she have posted? Just an edit? I search the user and click on the account. I see the preview of the photo. Alex and I. Shit.

Gabbie took photos of us together kissing eachother's cheek. But it isn't just one photo. It's multiple. The first photo is of us just hugging, then the next is me leaning in to kiss his cheek, the next of us laughing, and then the last was of Alex kissing my cheek. I scroll down to see the caption.


I scroll down to the comments to see what they say..more than a dozen people are tagging David's account. FUCK WHAT IF HE SEES THIS? HE WILL TRUST ME RIGHT? SHIT.

I leave the classroom and rush to David's apartment, hoping he left his phone home, surprise surprise, he didn't. Why did I have to kiss Alex? Maybe I am a whore. I absolutely fucking hate myself. I am the worst girlfriend ever. Why does Gabbie have this affect on me? I am a terrible person, she is just showing it to everyone. Which I deserve, no doubt.

I rush to David's bathroom looking for a razor I can pry open. I find one and dismantle it, as I am about to slide the razor across my skin, I stop. I can't do this again. I cant do this to David. He needs me, at least I think, maybe after he sees this he won't. My eyes fill up with tears and I press the razor back on my skin, slicing it open multiple times.

My wrists and thighs are bleeding out and then my eyesight turns black. Is this the end?

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