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I'm surprised David wants to come over since I'm such a mess right now and we already talked for an hour. But I guess he really cares. About 2 hours later, more than usual, I get a text from David:

Look outside your window.

I do what it says, I open the curtains to my window and see my true love standing there. He has a dozen roses and chocolate.

"Hurry up babe, it's cold." He shivers and grins.

I run downstairs, slip on my shoes, no coat, and run out the door. I run to where my bedroom window is and hug David with all my strength. I soon get the shock of coldness David has been feeling. I drag David inside and microwave him some hot cocoa as well as for me too.

"Here you go baby. I love you so so much." I smile as I hand him the hot cocoa, I very precisely decorated for him.

"Thanks my one and only." He leans in to kiss me, trying hard not to kiss him back since I wanted to pull a prank on him. It isn't the best prank but I prepared a plate of whipped cream that he didn't see me make. As he closed his eyes and leaned in, I smashed the plate in his face.

"Hahaha! Got you baby!" I laugh hysterically.

David just glares at me. "Trust me I will get you back. Take my word."

Trying to catch my breath from laughing, I lean in to kiss him.

"I love you." I mumble and smile while still kissing him.

"I love you too babe."


An hour later after talking and laughing David has a serious voice in his tone.

"Liza, can we have a serious talk please?"

So many thoughts are going through my head at this point: does he want to break up with me? Am I not good enough for him? Is he breaking up with me because I cut?

"Go ahead love." I say back quietly scared for what he is going to say back.

"Starting of with one thing..your cutting. Look Liza, I know I said this over FaceTime, but I love you so so much and I hate seeing you hate yourself. It kills bits of me inside. I think you are so beautiful and I'm so lucky to have you. Thank you for making me happy. But Liza? Can I tell you something?"

"Of course David, you can always tell me anything. You know that." I say back gazing into his deep, brown eyes.

"Liza," he proceeds to lift up his shirt.

"Baby I really don't want to do this right now." I say.

"No Liza, please just look." He takes off his shirt fully. I first glance at his scar from his abusive father and proceed to examine his body. I look down by his v-line and my heart beat slows down. Tears form in my eyes making my vision blurry, but I still see it. It's stuck in my mind already. David, the one who was so strong through every single day, the one least expected, the one who wanted everyone to be happy, has cut. I look up, vision still blurry, I try to blink back the tears but instead they roll down my face. I see David, his eyes turning bright red, with tears forming at his waterline of his eye. I'm at lost for words and just hug him. My arms wrap so tightly I feel like I'm basically hugging myself as well. My tears drip onto his bare shoulder. His tears still form in his eyes, trying to hold them back, trying to be strong. I didn't release from the hug until he was ready. We both let go at the same time. I look him in the eyes and back down at his cuts.

"B-b-baby w-why?" I manage to scoff out.

"I needed to. My love, my pookie, my best friend, my girlfriend, my one and only hurt themselves when they didn't deserve it. It was like I should get it out as well. Feel the same pain you were going through, and so that's what I did. I can't let you go through this alone. We are one babe. You mean the whole world to me. I would give my life up if it were to save you. That's why I was late, not because I was getting flowers and chocolate, but because I was so upset you weren't okay. I couldn't handle it. You are my happiness and it breaks me inside when you aren't okay." He says holding back tears.

"D-David, I never meant for you to harm yourself. I love you so much. I'm so sorry I put you through this. Thank you for telling me and making me aware. I promise you I won't cut again if you don't cut again. I love you." I manage to say knowing it's not a lot but it's all I could say.

He leans in and kisses me, assuring me he won't do it again unless I break the promise and breaks the kiss to speak.

"I won't be mad if you break the promise, but I just want you to know to please come to me first before do anything that you may regret later. I love you Liza."

I kiss him and he kisses back. I then fall asleep into his arms. I feel him tuck me in and him get into bed and lay right next to me, making me feel safe.

"I love you." He mumbles.

I hear his faint voice, "I love you too." I say back to him.

We both fall asleep with a smile on our faces.

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