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"Is anybody sitting here?" I hear a deep voice behind me say. I turn around and see an actual male specimen. Is a guy actually talking to me? I accidentally lock eyes with him..his deep brown eyes are gorgeous. I then begin to study all his features, dark brown hair, beautiful smile, tall..well at least to me because I'm 5-foot, wearing all black and a black hat. Basically he's beautiful.

"Um..Hello? Are you drunk or something?" He asks me, I shake out of whatever I was just in and finally actually say something.

"No, this seat isn't taken. And haha, I don't plan on drinking illegally tonight like everyone else is." I say as I watch him come to sit down. Wait, he actually didn't leave while I was staring at him for what felt like hours..woah. I look over his shoulder once he is sat and what a surprise Gabbie is still there making out with Zane.

"I'm David, and I don't plan on drinking either." He says with a beautiful laugh at the end.

"I'm Li-" I stumble getting interrupted by Zane announcing that whoever wants to play Spin The Bottle it is starting now.

"I'm Liza," I say again not getting interrupted, "you aren't going to play Spin the Bottle?" Shit. Does he have a girlfriend? I don't want a girl coming up to me and starting a fight for talking with her boyfriend. I start overthinking everything. Maybe he will give a reason why he isn't going to play Spin The Bottle.

"I don't play stupid party games, I don't even know why I'm here honestly. Just because I'm friends with Zane I guess. Plus, I don't want to just go around kissing people..I want to give people genuine kisses..that really mean something."

Why must he be so like me..I'm liking him more and more. No Liza. Stop. You can't fall for someone you just met. Take time. Talk.

"I say we ditch this place." I say sarcastically knowing that I should probably stay with Gabbie. But Gabbie is with Zane. She'll probably sleepover at Zane's anyways.

"Let's do it, it's not like Zane never has these parties. If you ever feel going to another just go haha. They are for real every weekend."

WAIT WHAT. He took my sarcastic remark and said okay..not what I was expecting. But do I stay..or go with someone I just now met. I'm overthinking. I mean how bad can this David guy be?

"I mean if you want, but we would have to take your car, because I came with my friend Gabbie, and ya know she's been making out with Zane all night..so I'm guessing she will stay over..how is Zane? Is he going to treat Gabbie alr---" I suddenly get interrupted by David..was I actually rambling on for that long about Gabbie?

"Calm down Liza, everything is gonna be fine, we will take my car." He says.

I go out the front door with him we get rudely stopped by some guy.

"So where are you guys going? Smoking a cig? Going home to get it on..there are beds upstairs you know."

Smoking a cigarette? Having sex? What is wrong with society. I start to freak out not knowing what to do, thankfully David isn't shy around here because he basically knows everyone thanks to being friends with Zane.

"Nah dude, we are just going for a midnight walk." David says and the guy leaves sadly..probably hoping we were going to do at least one of the things he said.

"So are we going for a midnight drive or walk?" I say laughing slightly.

"Whatever you would like to do, I could use a walk..felt like a can of sardines in that house."

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