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Later that night I remember Gabbie. We haven't talked for two days. Our longest fight was 4 months and it was crazy how I lived without her. I decide to text her.


Liza: Gubbie, I miss you so much. I'm sorry I ditched you at the party and left with some guy I didn't know besides his name at the time. I should've known better and shouldn't have left without telling you..but well um, you were busy with Zane.

Gabbie reads it instantly, as if she was waiting or planning to text me.

Gabbie: OMGGG! YOU SAW ME AND ZANE. AGHH BBY IM SORRY! Enough about that though, I miss you too. I know you didn't intentionally want to leave me there by myself. WAIT SO YOU FOUND SOMEONE? YOUR LOVE? AWWEE TELL ME ABOUT IT! AGH SORRY ABOUT CAPS. I JUST MISSED YOU SO MUCH.

I explain to Gabbie who David is and she explains to me everything and I mean everything about Zane and her. Honestly I'm kinda jealous. Gabbie has had multiple boyfriends and I've had zero, zip, nada.


The Next Day


Monday mornings are honestly the worst, waking up to hours and hours after school. I don't like school once again. This is all for my parents. I look at my phone almost instantly to see if David texted me, and he did. Three times.


I miss you, maybe I'll see you at school today.

We should hang out after school in the library.

Almost instantly a smile spreads across my face. How have I never noticed David goes to my school, hopefully he is in one of my classes. But then I would feel bad for not knowing him, so nevermind. I text back.

Goodmorning :) I miss you too! It would be great to hang out after school, I'll be there for sure.

Once I send the text, I get out of bed, get dressed in a decent outfit, and head downstairs to make breakfast. I take out the bagels from the cupboard, get the cream cheese from the fridge, take out a knife, and make my bagel. I take a piece of paper towel and head out the door to my car.

Once at school, I go straight to my locker, with minutes to spare in the morning I always spend some time at my locker, fixing my hair in the mirror. Then I hear a very familiar voice.

"Heyyyy bitcchhhh." I turn around to see who I of course knew it was, Gabbie. I missed her voice so much. Zane then comes behind Gabbie, hugging her from behind. I watch Gabbie jump and squeal as she turns around to kiss him.

"C'mon guys keep it PG." I laugh as they continue to kiss. Soon I see one other familiar face, David. I swear this seems like one of those reunions, because I feel like running up to David to go and hug him. David comes over to me, while Gabbie and Zane are now just talking..my guess is talking about what they are doing tonight. If you know what I mean..

"Yoo Liza, how is my favorite?" David blushes seeming embarrassed of what he just said.

"Favorite? I'm great though." I question, smiling.

"Favorite. That's good. I see you have some company." He says laughing while pointing over to Zane and Gabbie who are now kissing once again.

I smile and nod, not knowing what to say. The bell rings, saved by the bell. AHAH get it.

"Bye David, I'll see you after school in the library." I wave bye rushing to my next class.

He waves bye, nods, and smiles. Gosh, his smile is just incredible. His perfectly aligned, very white teeth just make me blush.

Meeting David after school has gotten me anxious. I tap my feet in every class waiting for it to end soon. Classes seem longer than usual. I wait impatiently. Finally, the last bell rings. Goodbye school, hello David. I stand up and run into someone because I was looking at my feet rushing down the hallway. It was David. He turns around and smiles.

"Oh, hey Liza, calm down haha." He laughs and walks beside me.

"Sorry, sorry. I don't get what's wrong with me running into you so much." I blush, embarrassed.

We get to the library, empty. I looked around at all the creepy statues of angels reading books in the library and shiver. Once I shiver, David looks at me and laughs.

"It's okay, just statues. But I don't blame you. They are fucking creepy." He says trying to hold in his laugh.

He wraps his arms around me just like when we went on the hike.

"So, why exactly did you want to meet in the library? Couldn't we have met at my house or yours or something?" I ask.

"I honestly didn't know, I felt like if I asked you to come over you would be scared. I mean we can go to my house if you want." He says.

I nod as we walk out the school to my car, it was only a five minute drive so all we did was sing the two songs that played on the radio. We open the door and go to his room.

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