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I wake up and roll over to see David drooling. I can't help but smile and take out my phone to take a picture and post it on snapchat to all my fans, not my personal. I put down my phone and laugh as I hear my phone vibrating with notifications. David wakes up to the buzzing noises which I feel bad about, but it's a school day so he had to get up in 5 minutes anyways.

"Goodmorning babe!" I smile and kiss his forehead, because his cheek is dripping with drool.

"Goodmorning pookie. What time is it?" He says in his sleepy, yet sexy morning voice.

"5:55. We need to get ready for school."

He closes his eyes and mumbles something, I'm guessing he said 5 more minutes.

"Babe, I don't want to get up either but we only have 5 more months of school. Then all the seniors are off to college or not."

"I'm guessing you're going to college, because hell you're going to be valedictorian. Where are you planning to go?"

"Well, I'm really thinking about Yale. But that's really far out of state, east coast. I don't want to leave you, my friends, and especially my family. Otherwise, I'm thinking Stanford. Did you know we have to send applications out soon?"

"Yale is a really good school, like really good. They are looking for really incredible students. There's no doubt you will get accepted if you apply. I want the best for you, but I don't want you to leave me. I have no clue what school I should apply for, but it will for sure be in California because I don't want to leave the state." He says frowning at the first couple sentences he said.

"I don't want to leave you either babe. But, you know how much my mom wants me to get a great education, she's been dreaming about me going to Yale."

"I know, I know. I just don't want to lose you. If you go it will be a long distance relationship and I don't know if I could deal with that. I trust you with other guys and stuff like that. But not seeing you until you or I come to visit. That could be as low as once a year."

My alarm goes off for 6:15. We hop out of bed, both get dressed, brush our teeth, and we drive to school. Once David and I get into school, we go our seperate ways. I go to my locker and he goes to his. As I approach my locker I see signs on my locker. Normally our school decorates the lockers of people's birthdays so I assumed that they got the wrong locker. As I approach closer, it isn't birthday notes. It's the pictures of David and I in the bed. The writing underneath says "WHORE. ARE YOU GOING TO FUCK EVERYONE ELSE IN OUR SCHOOL? LOVE LIZAISAWHORE." I stare in shock. Why is Gabbie still doing this? I feel tears fill my eyes. I tear down the pictures and writing and rush to the bathroom. Not even ten minutes into school and today is already hell.

I sit in the farthest bathroom stall. Looking at the pictures that were once on my locker. Thoughts burst through my mind.

I am a whore.

I should just kill myself. The world would be so much better.

I sit in the bathroom stall for 5 more minutes until my next class is about to start. I go to the bathroom mirror and wipe off my smeared eye makeup. Then, I head to my locker and get my folder and notebook for Guidance. As I'm walking through the hallway, I feel a hand..on my butt. I quickly turn around and look to see who it is. As I turn I don't recognize the face because he quickly turns around and snickers to his friends about what he just did. I rush to my class with the thought of

Am I just an object now? Am I worth living?

I get into my class late because of what had happened and everyone stares at me. I say hello to my favorite teacher Ms. Hanson and apologize for why I was late.

"Alright class! Now that most people are here, today's lesson is going to be about rape and sexual abuse/harassament."

She scrapes her chalk against the chalkboard writing the subject and the whole class trembles to the horrible noise.

Under the title she writes key ideas to go along with the subject.





Ms. Hanson goes into depth about each key idea she wrote. I sit, thinking about what just happened while in the hall. I feel my face get extremely red and ask Ms. Hanson to go to the bathroom. She excuses me and I run to the bathroom. I sit in the same bathroom stall I was in and breathe. In 1, 2. Out 1, 2. All of a sudden, I hear the bathroom door open. That's not just it. I hear crying. I walk out of the stall and see someone from my Guidance class. She is standing in front of the mirror, wiping her eyes with paper towel.

"Hey, are you okay?" I approach her, regretting what I say because obviously she isn't okay.

"Aren't you Liza from my Guidance class? And no..I'm not really okay." She says coughing out her words.

"Yes, I am Liza. I don't think I've ever met you though, your name is? And what's wrong hun?"

"I'm Jessica or Jessi. So since you are in my guidance class, you know how we are talking about rape excedera."

"Jessi. Alright. Yes, I do." I smile trying to comfort her.

"I am a victim of rape. I have been raped by my father and two other boys that I didn't know. I couldn't handle being in the class because I didn't speak up. No one knows actually. Except you. I don't even know you barely. Why am I even telling you this stuff? You are probably going to spread it all around the school."

As she rambles on I manage to fit in words. "No, no, no. I would never spread this. I am honored you feel comfortable telling me this. You can trust me dear. I am so upset to hear that you are a victim of rape. You don't deserve that at all. I am always here for you."

"Thanks. Liza? Can I tell you something?"

"Of course. You can as long if I can tell and ask you something after."

"One of the boys in our class was my rapist. That's why I couldn't handle being in the room with him and learning about that subject."

"Oh my! I'm so sorry, I totally understand why you would feel that way. So what I wanted to tell you was that I had to leave the class because I didn't feel comfortable learning about the subject as I just had my butt squeezed by a boy. I know it isn't anything huge but like it still was a touchy subject, ya know? Also, my question. I know it's a big shot and I know we just met and you told me this stuff but I was thinking about talking to Ms. Hanson about what happened to me, would you like to come with and tell her your story? She is a really understanding teacher, my favorite as well. It's alright if you don't want to right now or anything, don't feel pressured." I smile.

"Honestly, I'm so sorry some idiot boy touched you innappropriately. I would truly love to talk to someone about my story, like an adult, as long as you are there though. Plus, you could know so much more about my story as well. I really appreciate you offering me help and I would love to." She smiles and nods.

"I'm glad you would like to talk to her. You truly deserve someone who will listen. Ms. Hanson is a great listener and she will help you through it. Would you like to go back to class now. The lesson should be finishing up soon. Then, we can talk to her because she has a teaching free and I believe you are in my study hall."

"Sounds great." She grabs a paper towel and finishes wiping her tears.

We walk back to class with 3 minutes left of the lesson.

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