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David's POV

Liza and I decided to skip out on the after party with our fellow graduates and just hang out with both of our families together. Liza and I took my car to her house, where the family party is occurring all night.

On our car ride, I couldn't help but gaze into her beautiful, deep, brown eyes. I let my Tesla do its thing, as I leaned in to kiss Liza, eyes completely only on her. Sparks flew just like the first time we ever kissed. I have never lost the love I have had for her ever since I stared into her eyes at Zane's party.

"Liza, I love you more than words can even explain. There is no other girl that can make me as happy as you do. I never would've thought this 'young love' stuff would've worked out. But with you, it's not even like we are both 18, well almost 18 for me. It seems as if I've spent years and years with you, and we created a beautiful damn family and are as happy as ever." I say grinning and blushing. My hand grips Liza's cheek and I feel tears rolling down her cheek. Happy tears.

"David." She scoffs out, her voice cracking. "You saved my life so many times. I am beyond thankful for that. The first day we met at Zane's party, I cut because of me running away from you. I wanted to die. But, I also wanted to stay alive, because I wanted to see you again. When you direct messaged me on Instagram, I couldn't stop smiling that whole day. I knew I wanted to be with you. I knew you would be the one to make me the happiest girl alive. Although, we have been through ups and downs and a lot of shit has happened. We always, always, stayed strong together. You make me feel like.." she paused, "like.. I actually mean something. Thank you for keeping me so strong. I love you."

We pull onto her street and park, the driveway already filled with cars. I peck her cheek a thousand times and I get out the car and rush over to the passenger's side to open Liza's door for her. I grab her hand and say "My lady." in an absolutely terrible British accent. She giggles, that unforgettable giggle, and whispers back "Thank you sir." in a phenomenal British accent as she pecks my cheek with a sweet kiss. How much more amazing can she get?

I grab her hand and we walk to the front door, we can already hear that there is a decent amount of people inside. We walk in, holding hands, and everyone turns to look at us. Liza looks up at me and blushes as I look down at her and smile. I whisper, "We made it." Right after I whisper that a few people shout a few different things.

"CONGRATULATIONS!" The kids of the family shout.

"LOOK AT YOU GUYS, ABSOLUTELY STUNNING." The aunts and uncles shout.


And lastly, both of my parents and both of Liza's parents come up to us. My parents start, "Congratulations you two. I wish you both the best for the future and I know you guys will succeed so much. Liza, you were so wonderful giving the speech up there." And Liza's parents conclude, "Yes, congratulations. David, we love you just like we love Liza. We are both extremely proud of how far you have made it, and we know the future will definitely be a bright one."

Liza and I both say our thanks. We walk around for a bit, thanking our families for coming and just chatting for a bit. Then, we went to take pictures, although some were taken before. We were definitely happy with the pictures taken at the party at night time. Liza looked stunning as beautiful in her dress and heels.

Eventually, we got the chance to excuse our self to change into more comfortable clothes. Liza changed into overalls with a white t-shirt underneath, still gorgeous as ever. I just changed into a hoodie that was left at her house and some skinny jeans that were also left at her house.

We walked back downstairs and the house was calmer then before. They were all sat talking at a steady tone and the kids were in the basement playing with Nerf guns.

As soon as they saw us, they made us open up their gifts they got for us. For Liza, she got new clothes that were all her style, some makeup, money, and some jewelry. For myself, a lot of people planned on getting me black t shirts, so I basically went home that night with a million of them, and I as well got money.

I clap my hands loudly to get everyone's attention and then Liza speaks just as beautifully as she did for her speech at graduation.

"Hi everyone," she giggles, "I just first off want to thank you all for being here and supporting us tonight. It means a lot." I nod my head in agreement, "Second, I want to thank you for all the gifts, which you of course did not have to give. It was very generous and I am so very thankful for that. This will definitely help me out with some great photos for Instagam that David will have to take." she laughs, "I love you all so much and I'm so glad I have such an amazing family in my life to support all my life decisions. Now I would like to give it to my partner in crime, David, to speak."

"First, uh can Liza get a huge round of applause for not only right now, but in general? I mean she has a full ride scholarship to Harvard. A school so many people dream about attending. And also how incredibly amazing she is." I pause as people clap and holler and awe.

"Next, I don't basically want to repeat but Liza said, so I'm going to shorten it and say thank you all for the support and coming out to this big day today, as well as the gifts. I am beyond thankful. Now, Liza." People gasp.

"Liza, I love you so dear much. And if you go to Harvard I just want to say, I will make this work out. Make us work out. You could travel the world and I will be right there by your side. You have taught me, kindness, positivity, and what having a true relationship really is. You have made me smile for months after months. You are the prettiest girl in the world." I see Liza start to tear up, "And you have showed me love, I never thought I could get from anyone outside of my family. Thank you, for being my best friend, and also girlfriend. Thank you for being there with me in my darkest times or when I succeeded. You were my dream girl that I never would have thought of having. But now you aren't a dream girl, you are my girl. Liza," I get down on one knee, "I know you already have a promise ring from me. I'm looking at it right now in fact, you kept it on through everything. Even when we fought, that ring, it was never off your finger. I noticed. I want to put another ring on your finger. I know we are only 18 and this can be held off for as long as you want, but I want you to know, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want a family with you, I want a dog or cat or even hamster. I just want to be with you. Elizabeth Shaila Koshy, will you marry me?" I pull out the ring, I start tearing up. People awe and shout say yes.

"David, YES OF COURSE. I love you so much."

I pick her up by her waist, her legs wrapping around me and we kiss for what seems like a lifetime. I whisper into her ear, "This can wait, I just know I want you to be mine, and I don't want to lose the chance."

People shout and clap.

Tonight has been one hell of a night and now, I can call Liza my future wife.

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