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We both wait in the bathroom until the bell rings which isn't for only  5 minutes. We talk, getting to know eachother. Not those crappy questions like favorite color, but those deep questions like: What really scares you and why? or What was your scariest dream ever?

5 minutes have passed and we both walk out into the hall together, we head back to Ms. Hanson's classroom. I know she has a free next period and so do both of us which fits together so well.

As we approach the classroom, I see fear in Jessi's eyes and she starts shaking. I assure her everything will be okay and she can rant about every single thing. I first walk into the classroom, Jessi following close behind.

"Hello," I knock on the door as Ms. Hanson looks up from her papers, "Jessi and I are very sorry for going out in the middle of your class. We were wondering if we could just talk to you about something."

"Yes, of course." She says, adjusting her glasses.

Jessi starts talking quickly as if it has been all boiling up inside of her. "What we would like to talk about you is rape and sexual assault. This is a very touchy subject for us and that's why we went out of the classroom. We have both had experiences pertaining to either, and we were hoping that today we could talk about it."

I was in shock of how much Jessi said, she seemed very quiet but it all came spilling out.

"I'm sorry girls but today isn't the day. I can't help you with that. Get a therapist." Ms. Hanson says.

I couldn't believe what I just heard. She didn't even want to hear our stories. She didn't even try to comprehend what we have both been through. I feel extremely sorry for Jessi as I told her that Ms. Hanson was always willing to help.

"Alright thanks." I say to Ms. Hanson as Jessi and I walk out of the classroom.

I stare as Jessi, she's trying to hold back her tears. I put my arm around her shoulder. I let her down. She was confident to talk about her story with someone and I just ruined that by giving her to the wrong person.

"Hey Jessi, I'm so sorry. She was never like that, I don't know if she had a bad day or what. Wanna come to my house tonight? We could walk to my house and talk. I promise I'll always be here for you."

"That sounds great!" She smiles a little, wiping away her tears.


As Jessi and I are walking to my house, which is about 5 minutes from the school she seems skeptical of all of her surroundings. I shuffle to find my house key off my keychain and put it into the front door.

"You can put your stuff right here," I point to the floor next to the front door "no one is home so it will be all good!" She nods her head and places her backpack on the floor.

I lead her to the kitchen to get some snacks and drinks and then head upstairs into my bedroom. I open the bag of pretzels and open my water as I sit down on the bed. Jessi places her phone on my desk in front of my bed, sitting upward almost as if its recording. She opens her iced tea and sits down also.

"Alright, so today it seemed like you really wanted to talk about your story and when she said that she was busy you seemed shut down, were you ready to share your story finally?" I ask Jessi as I take a sip of my water.

"Yes, I was ready to share it with someone that could've helped and she shut me down. Yet, I can tell you right?"

"Of course Jessi! You can tell me anything!"

"So the first time I was raped, I was 7 years old.  My first assaulter was my father, he was already abusive and was a drunk." When she said that it reminded me of David's father and I remembered the conversation we had where he was tearing up. "He obviously thought he could do anything to me because I was his little girl and I wouldn't know what was happening and would let him continue. But, I knew what was happening. I knew this wasn't right. But I couldn't do anything he was so strong."

She paused and I noticed she was looking at my lips.

"Do I have food on my lips again?" I sarcastically laugh because I felt I knew what was going to happen.

"No haha, don't worry, nothing bad. You are just so gorgeous, damn."

She's getting closer and closer by the second, she just keeps leaning in. As she's barely an inch away from my closer she moves fast and kisses me. I pull away.

'I-I'm sorry. I didn't know you liked me like that. But I have a boyfriend."

She looks at me with puppy dog eyes and leans in again for a second chance. All that's going through my mind is that I can't believe as a rape victim she is forcing herself upon me.

"Jessi. I have a boyfriend. I do not want to kiss you."

"Liza, you are so gorgeous. Please just one little kiss. Your boyfriend won't mind. I promise he won't even figure out."

"NO JESSI. NO. I CAN'T DO THAT. I'M NOT IN LOVE WITH YOU." I stand up and run to the bathroom, phone in my hand. Jessi is right behind me and I close the door right in time. She is knocking on the door violently. I unlock my phone and text David. I don't want to call him because Jessi may hear and that could just turn into a mess.

David come to my house ASAP. no questions rn. ill explain l8r.

Within seconds David replies.

Be there in 10 or less.

I breath with relief as she doesn't know that David is coming over. 10 minutes. Stay safe in the bathroom for 10 minutes, that isn't long. Liza you can do it. I still hear Jessi outside the bathroom door. Stomping her feet, banging on the door, shouting.

"Liza! You'll have to come out one day or another."

Then suddenly it all stops. No more noise.

I start to breath heavy and start panicking. I can't have a panic attack right now. I take out my phone and text David.

the door is open. plz hurry. be aware of everything.

Once again seconds later there is a reply.

Pulling into the driveway right now.

He is here. I am safe. I hear the door unlock and his voice echoes throughout the house.


But where is Jessica? Is she still here or did she see David pull into my driveway and run away? I'm too scared to yell back to him to tell him I'm in the bathroom.


Call the cops?!

I pick up my phone shaking barely being able to hit the buttons.

"Hello 911 what is your emergency?"

"I need the cops, please send them to my house. I don't know what happened my friend was just over her name is Jessica, and then she tried kissing me. I ran into the bathroom and after 5 minutes it got silent. I texted my boyfriend to come over and he was yelling to call the cops. Please send an ambulance too. I don't know if anyone is hurt but I think so because my boyfriend stopped talking mid sentence."

"Alright ma'am. What is your first and last name?"

"Liza Koshy. K-O-S-H-Y."

"Alright ma'am we have sent the police and an ambulance to your location. Please stay on the phone with me and keep talking to me. The police will be there soon."

"Thank you so much. Please tell them the door is open."

A couple minutes later of staying on the phone, I hear sirens arrive at my driveway, I look out the bathroom window and see just that.

I still stay in the bathroom as I do not know if it is safe.


A carrier? Is David okay?!

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