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David's POV


I wake up the day after the party and remember everything. The beautiful little brown girl, Liza. Her brown curly hair up in a bun, beautiful brown eyes, and adorable laugh. Except I really fucked up everything. After I started talking about all my exes and said that as an 18-year old that I should've known they wouldn't be my wife. She ran away, tears building up in her eyes. Is that where I fucked up?

Still laying in bed I look at the clock, 10:14 a.m. I don't honestly plan of getting out of bed because this Liza girl really has me struck. Am I in love? I can't be in love..I only just met her.

"David just forget about her." I repeat to myself. But it doesn't work, every second she's on my mind. I decide to text Zane to see if he knows her.


David: hey man, so u know that girl that came with Gabbie, does Liza ring a bell?

Zane: Liza Koshy the school nerd..David please don't tell me you have a crush on her.

David: nah man.


I mean I'm not lying to Zane, am I? Does he even know I left the party to hang out with Liza, the girl I just met. I'm not over her yet, but will I ever really be over her? I guess I won't ever get over her as I search Liza Koshy on Instagram. Thank God for the new update where it shows that Gabbie follows her so I know it's her. I request to follow and wait patiently.


Liza's POV


I wake up, look at the clock, 10:23 a.m. Did I really sleep that late? Yea, I know what you're thinking, 10 a.m. isn't late at all. But I'm always an early bird due to the fact I go to the high school early to help out teachers. Yep, that's me a teacher pet.

I get out of my bed to walk around, my legs are so sore from yesterday. I can't believe I did that. I haven't cut for more than 3 years and yesterday I broke that streak because of some dumb boy, David.

I turn on my phone after shutting it off the night before because I didn't want to read any texts from Gabbie if she sent any. Once I waited patiently for the Apple logo to go away, a notification pops on my screen right away.

Instagram: @DavidDobrik has requested to follow you.

How did he find me and why does he even want to find me if I won't be good enough for the rest of his life? I know I'm getting so over dramatic about this. But David isn't just any normal guy. He makes me feel safe, as he was telling me about the "wolves" I got scared and he immediately wrapped his arms around me. He wasn't scared talking about his feelings and neither was I. I told him my sex life..that isn't even there.

After debating on if I should accept the request or not, I did accept it. Not only because I liked him, but I feel like it was unfair that I just ran off on him when he didn't plan on hurting me, he deserved a second chance.

I request to follow him as well. It was barely 2 minutes before I got another Instagram notification.

Instagram: @DavidDobrik accepted your follow request.

Was he waiting for me or was he just on Instagram at the time? Still scrolling through Instagram and liking hair and makeup tutorials I receive a dm at the top.


@DavidDobrik: hey, i'm sorry about yesterday. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.

I reply almost instantly excited that he has actually come to apologize, while other guys would just leave me.

@LizaKoshy: it's okay, sorry about running off. do u wanna meet up today at the park or something and we will talk?

@DavidDobrik: sounds great, meet you at 2.


I don't reply, only look at my digital clock. 1:15. I have 45 minutes to get ready. I look in the mirror and see my fresh scars. How am I supposed to wear shorts now? It is currently 93 degrees in California. Instead of highwaisted shorts..my favorites, I put on just normal shorts perfectly covering my scars, throw on a black tank top, and my white converse. I go to the bathroom to then do my makeup, I fill in my eyebrows, put on eyeliner, mascara, and just a little concealer. I look at the clock, 1:49. Yes, it takes a while to look decent.

"Bye mom, I'm going to the park to work on some homework. I need some fresh air." I shrug and leave the house, starting to walk to the park to meet David.

I look at my phone, 2:03. I don't freak out and just sit down at a park bench. I go on my YouTube channel and looks at reviews from the video I posted yesterday. Extremely concentrated in replying to comments, I didn't notice David was behind me until:

"BOO!" David shouts and I jump. My heart starts beating as I forgot what his face has looked like and his smooth sounding voice.

"DAVID!" I shout back my voice cracking.

David sits down right next to me, instead of across which is not what I was thinking was going to happen.

"Hey, I'm sorry about yesterday. I didn't mean to hurt you at all." He repeats, except it was great to hear from his real voice making me feel safe and making it sound genuine.

"It's okay. I didn't mean to run off. Things were just on my mind and I just couldn't it take it right then and there. I'm glad you found me on Instagram, haha. By the way, here is my number so you don't have to continue stalking me." I laugh as I type my number into his contacts.

"Would you like to talk about it? It's okay if not I totally understand!" He exclaims sweetly. I lie and say everything is okay. We then get up and go for a walk around the park.

"Lets race! Ready, Set, GO!" He yells as I perk up confused not fully listening. I catch up quickly because I did track in middle school and freshman year of highschool. Out of no where a squirrel crosses the path and I start to stumble, trying to balance myself I fail, then falling on David as I wasn't far behind him. We both fall, me on top of him.

David grabs my waist and picks me up off of him.

"Sorry about that. I'm so stupid. And clumsy." I blush still in shock that David grabbed my waist.

"It's okay, I didn't mind it." He looks down grinning embarrassed of what he just said.


Pretending I don't hear what he says, I continue walking right next to him. Soon, we leave the park as he walks me home.

"I had a great night." He says as he leaves my front door.

"Me too." I smile trying hard not to kiss him.

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