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David's POV

We go on Liza's laptop and stream from there, we are on livestream for about 30 minutes so far and we have answered questions and called fans!

"Hey guys get ready to screenshot this!" I shout leaning in for a kiss to Liza.

I cover the camera purposely and laugh as I reveal our faces, reading the comments once again. All mad at us for not showing, so without a warning, I give Liza a little peck. Fans are going crazy in the comment section.

Then, I notice a familiar name.

Gabbie Hanna has joined the live stream.

I quickly end the live stream and immediately tell Liza why.

"Liza. Gabbie joined the live stream, I don't know how she found out or what screenshots she took or if she even saw overall. Whatever happened, I don't think you are safe."

"Dave, chill. She probably saw nothing and look, I kind of want to go back to school anyways. Don't worry about it."

"You want to do what??" I question, tears forming in my eyes, knowing something bad WILL happen.

"David, I don't want to hide anymore. I've gained enough confidence and I am ready to go back now. Please David, either we are in this together or I'm doing it by myself. But with you it would be so much better." She smiles. That damn smile, I can't help but say no.

"Fine, in this together."

She claps excitedly and I sigh and laugh.


It's Monday morning and we walk into school together, everyone staring at us in disbelief. Liza stays calm and tells her story to everyone, and people agree with why she did it. She stays smiling and she even rushes towards Alex to hug him. I try to keep up and I watch them burst with glee. My favorite sight, my best friend and girlfriend the happiest they can be.

We continue walking down the hallways and we run into even more of our friends, everyone smiling with joy, happy to see Liza.

This just showed how much she really did matter, everyone was crying tears of happiness, and smiling to their best abilities because Liza is back and alive. Many also come up to me and hug me.

The bell rings and we all rush to our class, our day already made.


Class ends and I rush to Liza's history class to catch her and walk with her to her next class. As I am almost there I get stopped, by you guessed it, Gabbie.

"Gabbie, what do you want?"

"Oh David, you know what I want." She puts her hand on my cheek.

I step backward, making her hand fall.

"Gabbie, what about you and Zane? Please don't hurt Liza."

"Me and Zane aha, that's a joke. He was all just a set up so I could get closer to you. Hurting Liza, not so much a joke. I would never uh kill her though."

"So you making out with a guy is going to get you closer to me? Yeah okay sure. GABBIE ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS? YOUR FUCKING FRIEND ALMOST KILLED ME. YET YOU HAVE NO INTENTION FOR KILLING? LIZA CUTS HERSELF BECAUSE OF YOU." I raise my voice and she puts her fingers to my lips. I see Liza walking in the opposite direction of Gabbie and I.

"If Liza cuts herself, I didn't kill her.." Gabbie states.


"What a shame, because that is exactly what I want." She quickly pulls me in for a kiss and moves my hand towards her butt, all my force going against it. I hear multiple iPhone camera clicks and I begin to panic.

As soon as I get out of the kiss I yell, "GABBIE YOU WILL BE FUCKING SORRY FOR THIS. GET OVER YOURSELF, WHY CAN'T YOU JUST LET LIZA BE HAPPY?" I sprint away to the mathematics wing, knowing that math is Liza's next class. I need to talk to her right now.

I see her and sprint, trying not to run into people.

"WALK MR. DOBRIK, OR ITS A DETENTION." One of the teachers yell from their door, I slow down and fast walk.

"Liza!!" I shout and she turns around.

"David! Hey, how was your first hour? I was a bit sad, you couldn't make it out of class on time to walk me to class." She says and adds a pouty face for effect.

"We need to talk. Now. Please, please, please get an excuse paper. Meet me in the science wing."

I rush off to my class to get an excuse slip as well and run off to the science wing. I see Liza wondering the halls and I approach her, tapping her shoulder, and her jumping back.

"Davee!! You scared me!" She whisper yells knowing people are in class.

"You knew I was meeting you here, who else would it be?" I sarcastically say and she just rolls her eyes. "Okay Liza, so as I was walking to your last hour class, Gabbie stopped me." Her phone beeps with a notification, she looks down and then looks back up at me, I look into her glossy brown eyes and then read the phone she puts in front of me.

Lizaisawhore posted a new photo! Check it out now!

"Liza, listen to me. Whatever that photo is, don't believe it. It's fake. Well um not really, let me explain. Gabbie stopped me and talked to me, she wants me, as a boyfriend, and I said no and she pulled me in for a kiss and forced my hand to her ass. I promise you it wasn't sincere. Liza, I love you. You." I sneak a kiss in before she starts talking.

"Baby, I trust you. I love you. You are my soul mate. My young love. The one I can't live without. Thank you for sticking with me through this hell of a ride. You are the reason I am still alive. Thank you for making me happy and never failing to make me laugh." She smiles, kissing me back.

She then opens her phone to look at the photos, she frowns and I frown. Yet, we both look at each other and know that we only love each other. This is what real love feels like.

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