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David's POV

I take a walk around Los Angeles to clear my head. Although it doesn't work quite well as Los Angeles is basically memory lane for me. I start to remember everywhere I went with Liza. Our first real date, at This Small Coffee Shop and the movie theater up a couple blocks. The time I ran up and down this sidewalk with Liza on my back like a little monkey. Even the time when some guy started flirting with Liza when I was inside a store and I got to kiss Liza right there on the spot, making him leave her alone.

As I continue walking down the sidewalk, in and out of stores, I notice commotion up ahead. People are crowding who I am guessing is a celebrity, so I shrug it off and just walk inside a shop. While walking out, I still notice that people are still surrounding this person. So I decide to just go over and see because it's the way I will be going anyways.

I approach and people start crowding me, asking for pictures. I, of course, politely agree, and put on a smile, even though I'm not the happiest.


"I'm sorry, Liza isn't with me right now." I say, trying not to spread the news about Liza.

"Uhh David, she's right over there?" She asks questioning me. Probably thinking I am literally high or drunk.

"Wait what?" I say dumbfounded.

The fan points, and I see the little brown girl that I fell in love with. I think I'm dreaming so I pinch myself, but don't wake up. It's all true. Liza is alive. I walk over to Liza calmly and tap her shoulder. She turns around and cries.

"DAVID!" She wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me, the fans taking photos.

I whisper into her ear. "Liza, wh-what happened?"

"Bubba, I'll explain later, but not in front of the fans."

I kiss her cheek.

"ALRIGHT WHO IS READY FOR SOME DIZA PICTURES!!" We both shout and the fans scream. We go through everyone who wants a pictures, our jaws hurt from smiling so much. After everyone is gone, we walk away, holding hands, kissing eachother.

Liza takes me to her parent's house, where no one knows she has been living for the past few days. We sit down on the couch, no one home but us.

"Explain." I say sternly.

"Bubba. I didn't mean to cause you any pain. I promise you that. I just wanted to escape the world. I didn't want Gabbie to hurt me anymore. I don't want to go back either David. Cause then they will make fun of me for faking my death. Baby, please understand." She says tears welling up in her eyes.

"Pookie. Of course I understand. But why couldn't you have told me? I was devastated. It felt like all a nightmare, but I couldn't wake up. The nightmare continued." I confessed

"I didn't tell you, because I knew someone would find out. I knew something bad would happen if they found out I was lying. I'm so glad I ran into you though on the street." She leans in for a kiss, which I give.

"So, where are you going to go to school..you were going to be valedictorian Liza. You were the top of our class, and now you are just forgetting about it all?"

"I haven't thought that out yet. I just knew all I wanted to do was escape. So, that is what I did. In the mean time, I have fell more in love with my YouTube channel. I think that's what I want to do for the rest of my life. I just hit my 2 year mark, and even 10 MILLION subscribers!"

"Liza!! That's incredible, I don't know if I'm more proud of you or more proud of myself getting to date an amazing girl like you." I gush.

"Awwee, BUT DUDE THAT'S 20 MILLION EYES, 100 MILLION TOES, AND 10 MILLION NOSES. Do you want to do a livestream on Instagram?" She begs.

"Lizaaa, did you forget? No one can know you are still alive, except your fans of co--" She cuts me off.

"Already ahead of you, I made another account for my fans and my YouTube channel!"

"Well, Liza if you would like to, I'm down!"


We go on Liza's laptop and stream from there, we are on livestream for about 30 minutes so far and we have answered questions and called fans!

"Hey guys get ready to screenshot this!" I shout leaning in for a kiss to Liza.

I cover the camera purposely and laugh as I reveal our faces, reading the comments once again. All mad at us for not showing, so without a warning, I give Liza a little peck. Fans are going crazy in the comment section.

Then, I notice a familiar name.

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