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I head downstairs as I feel safe now with all the cops there. David is not there but I see blood on the floor. I glance over at the cops looking down at something. A bloody knife. Did Jessi try to kill David? I sit down on the staircase, staring with misty eyes at everyone in my house. I start thinking to myself, my brain fills up with multiple thoughts.

This is all my fault. If Jessi wouldn't have came over, absolutely none of this would've ever happened. Why did I put David in this danger. Everything that happened today is all my fault. I have no one to talk to, Gabbie is no longer my best friend. My boyfriend is in the hospital. My boyfriend is in the hospital. David is in the hospital.

"Excuse me sir, do you know what happened and if he will be okay?" I ask a police officer.

"I'm sorry ma'am. I am not sure if he will be okay. I can bring you to the hospital with a police escort if you would like. The doctors will answer all your questions for you."

I grab my keys and wait for the police officer to leave my driveway for me to follow him. He turns on his sirens and we go to the hospital David is in.

I hold in my tears until I get to the hospital doors. I completely break down crying and I haven't even seen David yet. I sludge through the doors to the front desk.

"Do you know what room David Dobrik is in?"

"Yes, room 1128. Take a right around this corner and then there will be signs on the way." She smiles pointing.

I nod my head and walk down the hallway. I reach room 1128 and see David in there, he is sleeping, hooked up to wires, just like the last time he was in the hospital. I wait outside the door until the doctor comes out.

"Excuse me?" I try to say, stumbling on my words.

"Yes? How can I help you?" the doctor says back to me.

"Hi, so I am Liza Koshy, David Dobrik's girlfriend and I was wondering if you could tell me what exactly happened and if David will be okay?"

"Hello, Ms. Koshy. I'm Dr. Johnson. About David, he is in terrible conditions. He has 14 stab wounds, 9 on his back, 2 on his chest, and the final cuts on his arms. If the cuts went any further into David, he would have bled out to death and his heart would have been punctured. We have bandaged and put gauze over every wound. Good thing you called at the time you did. All David needs right now is rest and a break from doing anything. He will most likely be only eating and drinking small portions of food and water."

"So..not getting out of the hospital anytime soon. Do you mind if I go in and visit, although he isn't awake I just need to see him."

"Of course, that should be fine. I'll give you two some time together, call me if anything seems off with him that we should be concerned about." Dr. Johnson says as he walks away to report the injuries.

I creek open the door, trying to be as quiet as possible because I don't want to wake David. Turns out I was a little too loud or David just finished his nap. I start to tear up.

"Baby, I am so sorry I put you in that situation. I didn't know she was still here, I thought she left because she heard me call you and was scared. I love you so much and I'm so glad you are safe and doing well." I kiss his forehead.

"As long as you are safe, I would die for you." He slanted smiles as he is sore.

"Please get more rest baby. I love you so much. I will visit you later. I think I'm not going to go home for a while. Do you think Alex and Dom will let me stay at your apartment, otherwise I could find another place?"

"I'm sure they wouldn't mind having you over for a bit, text Alex. Goodnight babe." He very quickly goes back to bed. I leave the room and pull out my phone to text Alex.

L: hey alex, I was wondering if I could stay at your house..ill explain later about what happened.

Answering almost suddenly he replies.

A: That sounds great, any specific days you are staying?

L: not yet.

A: Alright feel free to come over anytime. Dom or I should be home.

I get into my car and drive to David's apartment. I don't want to go home to get any clothes because I don't know what's going to happen, so I will just use David's clothes.

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