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-15 years later-

"So, that's the story of Mommy and Daddy's young love." David finishes.

Grayson, our 10 year old son, and Lucy, our 7 year old daughter, each raise their hand, dying to ask another question.

"Yes Grayson?" I smiled.

"Did Mommy end up going to Harvard? When did I come into the picture? What happened wi-" I had to cut him off otherwise the questions would've never ended.

David cut in to answer his questions. "Mommy did go to Harvard for 4 years, she came to visit occasionally during holidays and birthdays. During the last year of her college career is when you came into the picture." David smirked at me. "And about 2ish years later is when Lucy came into our family picture."

"Mommy! Daddy!" Lucy squealed, getting our attention so she could ask her question.

"Yes sweetie?"

"Do you still have the first promise ring Daddy ever gave you? Even after all those fights?"

"Of course, even after all the fights. It's what kept us together. No matter what, we promised each other we would love through anything, and that's how we are here today."

I spun the first promise ring on my finger as David kissed my forehead. Lucy and Grayson both look at us in awe.

"We will take 2 more questions, one from each, and then you guys have to promise you'll go to bed." David says trying to sound stern.

"What happened with that Gabbie chick, is she in jail?" Grayson asked pleadingly for the answer.

"Gabbie. Well, she shaped up. Although we aren't friends anymore, i'm still glad she found herself again. She now has a family as well with 1 kid your age."

"MY TURN, MY TURN!" Lucy screams.

"Okay okay." David said plugging his ears laughing.

"Did you and Mommy stop playing with knives?"

In my head, I knew she meant cutting. I knew I shouldn't have brought that part into the story, but then again it was a very important part, showing we could get through anything. As much as I didn't want to answer this question, I knew it would come up. I took a deep breath while David began speaking.

"Yes, Mommy and I have both stopped playing with knives. It's been nearly a couple of years and I am as proud of her as well as myself as ever." I smile at David.

"Promise me Lucy and Grayson you won't play with knives and you will always talk to one of us if you are sad, okay?" I said, not wanting them to go through what I did.

"PROMISE." They both said in unison making me smile a bit.

"Okay, now, time for bed. Or else..." David says and I finish. "Tickle monsters will get you!!" As we both attack Lucy and Grayson with tickles to their feet, stomach, and armpits.

We all giggle and Lucy and Grayson fight about who gets the top bunk tonight. We settled this with a simple game of rock, paper, scissors. Lucy won and she quickly climbed the ladder to the top.

"Daddy, can you get my stuffed giraffe?" She asked with puppy dog eyes. David does so, kissing Lucy on the forehead and fist bumping Grayson. I kissed them both and turned on the night light. Walking out of the room, closing the door.

We overheard them whispering and decided to wait a bit to see what they would say.

"Mommy and Daddy are the cutest couple I've ever seen. I'm so glad they are my parents." Lucy said almost squealing.

"They are perfect for each other. Now go to bed Lucy, aren't you pooped?" Grayson responds.

That's when David and I continued to walk to our bedroom, holding hands. We reach the bedroom and David takes his shirt off and gets into bed. I change into sweatpants and a sports bra, cuddling up next to David.

"I love you, thank you for not only being my young love, but only love." I say, later kissing David on his five o'clock shadowed cheek.

"I love you too. I wouldn't want anyone else to have created a beautiful family with." He kissed my lips.

"I can't wait to retell this story in another 7 years." David says putting his hand on my stomach.


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