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I wake up by the sound of a unfamiliar voice, a new nurse. With David's arms still wrapped around me I slowly take them off and go over to the nurse.

"Hello," she says softly "you must be David's wife?"

"Girlfriend." I corrected her.

"Oh my I'm sorry dear. I am also extremely sorry for what had happened about 8 hours ago." WE WERE SLEEPING FOR EIGHT HOURS?! "Alexa has been fired. Again we are extremely sorry for this harassment she gave to both of you, completely unacceptable in this hospital." She hands me some coupons for the gift shop as well as the food court. "If you need anything my name is Minx and I would be glad to help with anything." She begins to walk out the door.

"Wait, how long until David can leave the hospital?" I whisper.

"Well today was the old release date, but since he had weight forced on top of him, we are going to give him another day of healing, and if he is feeling better he may go home." Minx smiles.

"Okay thank you and another question, may I stay here overnight with him?"

"Of course darling, if you would like to stay you may, I know these rooms can get pretty tight. Feel free to make your own decision."

I nod my head and smile. I head back to the tiny hospital bed and manage to fit myself by David as he had sprawled out on the bed while I was talking to Minx. David wraps his arms around me once again making sure I stay safe.


Next day


I hear knocks at the door, I slowly get up as everything in my body is so stiff right now. I eventually get up and  open the door. Minx.

"Goodmorning, I'm so sorry if I awoke you! If you don't mind we are just going to check on David, look at his pulse, blood pressure, and all that jazz! After that if everything is good, you guys are all set to leave." She smiles as she walks over to the side of the hospital bed. She takes out her equipment and checks on him.

I smile as Minx says, "He is all set to leave, we are again so sorry about everything that happened at his stay here. I hope you both have a great evening and a quick recovery."

Since David is still a little bit stiff and weak, we get a wheelchair for him and Minx and I roll him out together. As we are rolling David into the parking lot I ran into someone very familiar. Rose. Rose was my nurse that helped me through my depression stage, when I went into the hospital for cutting too deep. Rose was always there for me. She would sit down and just talk to me about how much I am worth it. How much I am loved. She would tell me her funny stories to cheer me up. Rose is 74 years old and she is still the sweetest person ever. So seeing her once again, my one hero makes me so happy and she was the one to address me.

"Liza, Liza Koshy, is that you?" She shouts from across the hall.

"Rose?? It is. I've missed you so much." I run to her and hug her.

"How have you been dear, have you been happier?"

"I've been great, I've met the love of my life right now. He makes me so happy and has stopped me from cutting and makes me smile everyday, just like you but as a boy version." I laugh.

"I'm so glad you have someone to make you happy just as I once did. You deserve it a lot. I have to get back to work now, my patient is calling me. It was nice talking to you again, you should come volunteer here sometimes so I could see you more!" She smiles as she is already rushing down the hallway.

"Bye Rose!" I wave to her and smile as I walk back to David waiting patiently.

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