Chapter 3~Skype

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Sqaishey's pov

When Stampy messaged me, I squealed, and could not stop jumping around. Life cannot get any better than this. We had already exchanged phone numbers, and soon...I was inside my Idols' Lovely World. I was in awe as I looked around the world. When I heard a voice...

I was startled a bit, but it was Stampy's voice, then I just remembered, we could talk through the microphones! Stampy's character stood jumping in front of me and Stampy saying my name, "Ohhh Sqaishey..... are you there?" I was excited, and I yelled back "YES!" He said follow me, and he led me to his house.

Stampy's pov 

Sqaishey seemed overly excited, and even more excited as we played the games in my fun land, correction, ALL the games in my fun land. But on the last game, which was the 'Dunking Booth' I made a deal with her. I said:

(St= Stampy Sq= Sqaishey)

St: "Sqaishey"

Sq: "Yeah"

St: "How about we make a deal?"

Sq: "okay"

St: "Okay, well, if I win at the 'Dunking Booth' you give me a surprise, if you win, I give you a surprise. How does that sound?"

Sq: "That sounds good."

We were playing until we had a winner. I had two surprises for Sqaishey, I really wanted her to win, so I let her win.

Sq: "YAY!! I WON! What's my surprise Stampy??"

St: "Well Sqaishey, I actually have two - That's right, not one but Two, TWO surprises, count 'em here, one, two!"

Of course I knew she couldn't see me, but it was still nice to make her laugh. She has the CUTEST  laugh.

Sq: *giggles*

St: "Well, first, we get to Skype, then how would you like to come and live with me and Squid for a month?"

She screamed, -I'm surprised I didn't go deaf, but just fell off my chair- and she shouted "YES YES YES YESSSSS!!!!!"  I laughed my weird laugh, and cheered. We then Skyped, and.......

Sqaishey's pov

I can't believe I'm going to meet and LIVE with Stampy Cat! But, we Skyped, and when I saw the answer button, I nearly jumped out of my seat! I quickly fixed my hair, and pressed 'answer.' He popped up on my screen, and I saw those curls, and he just sat there frozen, with his mouth open staring at the screen. For a minute I thought the screen froze, but then he finally blinked, and I realized he was staring off into space. I waved my hands in front of him and started saying his name until he snapped out of it. He shook his head, and said "Sorry." I said "It's okay, but why were you staring at the screen like that?"   "Yeah, sorry about that, I just didn't expect you to be this pretty." He said with a smile on his face. I looked away and blushed, when I looked back at him, he was blushing A LOT! Then I thought 'Wait..... does the cat like me? Naw, don't get ahead of yourself Sqaishey, you just met him!' We talked about a lot of things, when I looked at the time, it was 11:00 pm! We were talking for this much! "Stampy! Look at the time!" "Woah!" "Well, I guess I should go now, bye Stampy!" I said with a sad voice I didn't want to go, but I had to get some sleep. "Bye Sqaishey, Good night." He said with a saddened voice. He hung up, and I fell asleep dreaming of Stampy....

                                                          ~If only he knew~

Stampy pov

'Wow, it's already 11,' I thought to myself. I didn't want to hang up, but I had to. I hung up the call, and flopped down on my bed, looking at screens shots I took of her, she is so beautiful, while thinking of her I smiled. Just then, Squid opened my door, and walked in, and started talking in a really girly voice: "Oh Stampy, I love you so much!" And he began making kissy noises and he was laughing quite a bit. He stopped when I threw a shoe at him. Then he said "Stampy, is your voice getting more and more girlier, or was that a real girl?" "Squid, that is none of your buissness. Now go away!" "Oooooohhhhhhh, STAMPY'S GOT A GIRLFRIEND!!! STAMPY'S GOT A GIRLFRIEND!!!!" I mumbled "I hate you. And she is not my girlfriend...... yet." He said "C'mon mate, I know you like her, I mean, who else would you stay up late talking to? Now lemme see a picture. Pleeeease." "I wouldn't be surprised if she already HAS a boyfriend. I mean, a girl as pretty as her. Here, look." As I handed him the phone, he smirked, and said "I KNEW YOU LIKED HER! What's her name?" "Sqaishey is her YouTube name, but her actual name is 'Bethany.'" Squid continued to mock me, until I yelled at him to get out, and I threw my other shoe at him. But while he closed the door behind him, I could hear him singing through out the house, -and obviously skipping, because it sounded like an elephant was running through the house- "STAMPY AND SQAISHEY SITTING IN A TREE, K-I-S-S-I-N-G FIRST COMES ♡LOVE♡ THEN COMES MARRIAGE, THEN COMES STAMPY WITH A BABY CARRIAGE!!" I yelled for him to grow up, but I don't think that is possible. If Squid were to grow up, that would be a miracle (and the end of the world). But I once again layed in my bed, thinking about Sqaishey, and fell asleep with a smile on my face. 

                                                         ~If only she knew~

A/N   Heya guys! I hope y'all enjoyed the chapter! I really enjoyed writting it, and I hope you guys really enjoyed reading it! Bye Book Worms! :)

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