Chapter 11~ I fell...

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Netty's pov

When we finished playing Truth-or-Dare, we went to bed, so, Sqamy shared a bed in Squids room, Tom and I shared Amy's bed, in her's and Sqaishey's room. And Sqaishey stayed in her room, and slept in her bed, and Stampy stayed in his room, in his bed. I honestly felt like a burden, so I kept on insisting me and Tom would take the floor, or the couch, but everyone insisted we sleep on a bed, like human beings, and not on the floor like an animal. I was grateful, but I felt really bad for stealing Amy's bed.

I couldn't sleep, so I got up and decided to grab some water. I waited until I was sure everyone was asleep, so I can get up. I waited for what seemed like forever! Until, I finally decided to get up, and I found Amy outside the bathroom, she asked me "Oh, Netty, what are you doing up?" "Well Miss Mermaid, I got thirsty, and needed water. Why are you up?" I asked, turning the tables. "I needed to use the restroom." She said. "Ahh, okay, well, I'm sorry for kicking you out of your bed." I said, I really did feel bad about it. "Don't be sorry Netty! It's fine! Really! I don't mind sharing a bed with Squid. If anything, I should be apologizing to you!" She said, I was really confused, so I asked "About what?" I asked in a quiet whisper, trying not to wake up anyone else. "About when I asked you during Truth-or-Dare, if 'Netty Hawk' was a thing. I should have just have been minding my own business." She said, I was really confused, and said "Oh Amy, don't worry about it! It was nothing, and Tom didn't mind either!" "Well, okay then Netty, goodnight!" "Good night Amy!" I said, as we hugged, we smiled at each other, and she went into Squids room, and I went down the stairs to the kitchen. But I was making sure to walk down the carpeted side, as not to wake anyone up, (the carpeted side was down the middle of the stairs, and it was really hard to walk down) but, I slipped, and I went falling down the stairs, screaming, and trying to grab the rail, but I couldn't reach it, and I hit the last step really hard, and I hit the floor. And I stopped screaming. I couldn't get up. I just layed there, in pain, I wanted to cry as the pain shot up my body, but no tears came out. I just layed there, looking at the stairs, when, as soon as I started screaming, when I was falling down the stairs, I heard all the doors open, and I saw everyone rushing down, and I remember Stampy reaching me first, and asking me something, but I couldnt hear, all I could mutter was "I ....fell...." and I remember everyone coming to me, but then my vision started getting blurry, and I really wanted to close my eyes, but Stampy was next to my saying through tears "Don't close your eyes, please Netty, don't close your eyes." But I was getting cold, and my eyes felt really heavy, and I closed them............ I said "Sorry..." and  the last thing I heard was Stampy yelling "Nooooooo!!!!" And Tom saying "The ambulance, it's  coming!"  The he muttered "No Netty, no..." And Amy and Sqaishey were crying, holding my hand, and stroking my hair, and Squid was getting anxious about the ambulance. And then everything went black.................


Stampy's pov

I heard a loud crash, and screaming, I instantly panicked, so I got up from bed, and I ran out of my room, and so did Sqaishey, Amy, Squid, Tom, and --  wait... where was Netty!? I panicked, when I heard a loud thud and no more screams, we all paused for a millisecond, we were shocked, then I was the first to go running down the stairs, making sure I grabbed the rail, passing by the blood on the steps. I screamed "NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" All the way down the stairs, until I reached Netty, I asked her what happened through my tears, but I don't think she heard me, all she managed to say, was "I....fell...." Tom was calling the ambulance, Amy, and Sqaishey were crying so hard, holding Netty's hand, and stroking her hair, and Squid was waiting by the window for the ambulance, I'm pretty sure everyone was crying.... but not Netty, but she wanted to close her eyes, but I knew if she closed them, she would most likely never open them, ever again! I couldn't let her go, not like this, not now, and not ever! She was in a pool of her blood, and I couldn't bear her being like this! I kept telling her "Don't close your eyes, please Netty, don't close your eyes." But she was closing her eyes and she said "sorry..." I cried even harder, as she closed her eyes. I yelled "Noooooo!" I couldn't see her like this, I wanted her to be okay, but I wasnt sure if she was even going to make it to the hospital. Then, Tom came over, and managed to choke out "The's coming..." When he saw Netty just lying there, on the cold floor, in a pool of blood, he cried even more, and choked out "No Netty, no..." The girls were crying even more, and Squid came running to us, when the bright red and white lights, and the sirens grew closer. He said "The ambulance is really close." Netty looked life less, she looked gone, she was pale, and cold. But we couldn't wrap her in a blanket, because the ambulance would have to take it off her, and she would be cold again. Then, two paramedics came in with a stretcher, they pushed us away, and carefully put Netty on the stretcher. I asked the lady if I could ride with Netty, and she started asking me questions..... "Are you family?" "Yes." "How are you related?" "I'm here younger brother. Now can I get in?" "Yes." I got in with Netty, and I held her hand the whole way there, although, I saw Squid driving in his car, with Tom in the front, and Sqaishey and Amy were in the back. I'm pretty sure they were still crying, and they needed each other. I hope Netty is okay, and that she will open her eyes again.

A/N Hiya guys! Wow, very........ just no words for this chapter. Very sad :( But I'm Sorry!! Please forgive me! So, comment about what you think, and how y'all like the book! I would love to read the comments, and might reply too! Anyways, Bye Book Worms! :)

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