Chapter 32~ I'm sorry

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~Time Skip -Next Month~

Sqaishey's pov

We were all getting ready to accompany Amy on her doctors visit... she looked nervous... I comforted her, and she let a single tear escape her eye... I hugged her, and I helped her walk into the car... Stampy drove, Squid sat in the front with him, while Amy and I sat in the boot of the car. Once we were inside, Amy started sniffing, then she started crying, and then she was bawling her eyes out! I scooted over to her, and I hugged her, I whispered into her ear "It will be okay Amy, just be positive." She nodded her head, and she slowly stopped crying.

When we got to the office, Amy, Stampy and I sat down, while Squid filled out some paper work. Moments later, a nurse came out and called Amy, she sadly stood up, and walked inside with Squid closely behind her...

Amy's pov

When the nurse called my name, I stood up, I very nervous, and I was scared... What if I lost my baby? How would Squid take it? How would I live with it? I ate extra nutritions, just like Dr. Maple said... As I walked inside the clinic doors, Squid followed closely behind me. I felt him take hold of my hand, and I weakly held it back.

This time, the nurse led us into a different room... it was purple with little sea shells around it... and it had a window as well, out this window, you could see the same lake... there were also two black spinny chairs, a bed, a black screen, and some tools... Dr. Maple stood next to the window... again... this time, she had curled her chestnut hair, and she had let her hair loose. She seemed to recognise me, as she smiled, and she held out her hand to shake mine... I shook her hand, and she shook Squid's hand... Then she said "Hello Ms. Lee! Hello Mr. Spencer!" "Hello." We both replied. "Well, Ms. Lee, if you would please lay on the bed for me!" I sighed, and I climbed on the bed, and I sat. Then she said "Oh, if you could please lay down, that would be a great help." I nodded, and I slid down the bed, into a comfortable position. Then she smiled, turned to Squid, and said "Mr. Spencer, you could sit in that chair if you like." Squid nodded, and said "Thank you." She smiled, and she sat down herself, then she looked at me and said "Ms. Lee! Your baby bump is bigger than the last time I saw you!" I smiled, and I nodded. "If you could lift your shirt enough to reveal your baby bump, please?" Dr. Maple asked politely as she got the clip board from the other nurse. She got a pen, and she had it ready to write anything down. Then she turned on the monitor, and she applied the warm, purple gel onto my baby bump. And then she applied the censor thing, and the screen started to load, as the screen loaded, Squid held onto my hand, and I gave it a little squeeze. Dr. Maple's expression changed... she was constantly looking at my bump, at her clipboard, and back to the screen. Then she looked at me, and asked "Ms. Lee, you are expecting twins, am I correct?" "Yes, you are correct..." I hesitantly said.

Then she did something to the monitor, and the printer in the room went off. Then she scribbled something in the clipboard, and then Dr. Maple walked over to the printer she  grabbed what had come out, and handed Squid and I one picture each... she kept the other one, and she took out a bright red marker... Squid and I still held hands... Then she drew a circle of one baby, and she said, "This is your baby, it is the healthy one..." Then I looked up at her, and she circled a little, tiny thing... and she said "This is your other baby... I'm sorry..." At that moment, I felt my heart shadder, and being trampled on, I felt my heart being torn out of my chest, and thrown away in the bin! My heart ached! I instantly let the picture flutter onto the bed, and I covered my mouth, as I felt I couldn't breathe, I squeezed Squid's hand, and I heard Dr. Maple quietly whisper "Your only having one baby... I'm afraid the other one was lost..." I cried my hardest, and I clung onto Squid's arm, and I felt him crying too! I saw the other picture next to mine, and I felt Squid wrap his giant arms around me, I buried my face into Squids chest, and I screamed into his chest, I couldn't breathe, I felt as if I lost everything... I couldn't do it... then Dr. Maple said quietly, "I'm sorry, I'll leave you two here, I'll be outside if you have any questions..." I only cried harder, I let it all out! I need both girls! I knew this would happen! I knew I would loose her!

I started slowly calming down after about 10 minutes, I wiped the tears off my face, but as I looked around the room, and I saw the pictures again, I thought: How could this happen? Why did I let this happen!? I'm HORRIBLE! I'll never forgive myself! THIS IS ALL MY FAULT!! While thinking this, I felt Squid's arms around me, and I wiped the one tear drop off my face. Squid loosened up the hug, and as I looked into his face, I saw his eyes were red and puffy, I smiled a bit, and so did he, then we kissed. Then he held onto both my hands, and he said "Amy, it's alright... what just happened, that was niether one of our faults... I love you..." Then he brought both my hands up to his lips, and he kissed them. I smiled, and I moved my hands, so that they were around his neck, and I kissed his lips. Then he kissed me back. We stopped, and I asked "Should we get the doctor?" He nodded, as he got up, and as he opened the door, in came Dr. Maple. She asked "Any questions?" Squid shook his head, but I asked "Have you ever gone through this?" She nodded, and said "Yes... I've lost a baby..." I got even more sad, and I asked "So you know how I feel right now?" Then she replied "You probably feel better than I did..." I made a curious face, and I asked "What do you mean?" Then she said:

"Well, I was going to have a baby... -a boy, only one, not twins, or anything- I was in the car with my husband, driving to buy food, -I really wanted some ice cream, and my baby was due any day- he was driving, I was in the front, and it was our turn to go, when a car, didn't pay attention, and they ran a red light. They crashed into us, but they hit us on my husband's side of the car, it was a big truck, and that car flipped us over... when I woke up, I guess my seat belt broke, because, I was facedown on the roof of the car. I must have landed on the baby, because, I was facing a certain way... I faced my husband, and he still had his seat belt on, so, he was hanging, and I tried to undo his seatbelt, and he opened his eyes, told me he loved me, and said, to please take care of our son... then I cried, and I said I thought I might have landed on him, and he said not to worry, that he would take care of our son... if that was the case... and I told him not to think like that, that everything was going to be okay, and as I said this, I was struggling to take off his seatbelt, and he grabbed my hands, kissed them, and said 'I will always love you... in this life, and in the next...' Then he let go of my hands, and he closed his eyes. Then I heard sirens, and the paramedics pulled me out the car... I didn't even realize it was on fire... then I told them my husband was still inside... they got him out... but they put him in the ambulance... in a body bag... I had an emergency C-section, and I found out, I had certainly landed on my son, and he died... that day... I lost my soul mate, and our baby... When the doctors allowed me to see my husband's body, I cried as I held his hand for the last time, knowing he couldn't feel my hands. I cried my hardest, and I let out a few screams, but I mainly couldn't breathe, because of what happened, I was having trouble possessing what had just happened."

Then Dr. Maple wiped away some tears, and she said "You are lucky Ms. Lee, you only lost one baby, while I lost everything..." Then I asked "How did you get over it?" She replied "I still cry every night over them..." Then she asked "Well, do we have anymore questions?" Squid and I shook our heads, and Dr. Maple smiled, as she asked "Did you two have names picked out?" I nodded, and I told her the names... then she said "Those are pretty names...are you guys changing them?" I looked at Squid, then I looked back at Dr. Maple, and I said "Yes." Then I asked "What was your son's name going to be?" She smiled, and said "Luke..." Then she laughed, and said "My husband chose that name  so he could say 'Luke, I am your father.'" I laughed, and soon, I stood up, we paid, and I saw Sqaishey and Stampy sitting together, and looking eagerly at us. I walked over to them, and I shook my head. Then I started to cry again, and Sqaishey hugged me as we walked outside, back into the car.

A/N Hiya!! Sorry for the sad ending... But hey! At least I uploaded!! 😁😁 No? Okay then... 😧 Okay, well, BYE BOOK WORMS!!! SEE YA!!🌸

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