Chapter 15~ More than Tea and Cake?

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Sqaishey's pov

I woke up, and saw Stampy asleep on a chair next to me. He is such a sweetheart! I know  that I will not ever find someone as good as Stampy every again! I layed there looking at him, thinking of us. I love him so much! I looked at Amy's bed to see if she was there... Nope! No Amy. Just me and Stampy. Stampy was asleep in the armchair, with a blanket, and he looked really uncomfortable. I sat up, and I blew slightly in his face, he only twitched his nose. I giggled, and I blew again, this time, he moved his hand, and scratched his nose. Then I kissed him on his nose, and he opened his eyes. He gave me a sleepy Stampy smile, and said "Good Morning Sqaishey..."   "Good Morning Stampy!" "How long have you been up?" He asked me. "Oh, about three minutes." I replied sounding very cheery. I tried not to think about last night, but I knew Stampy was thinking about it. He had on a weak smile, and asked "Sqaishey... can I ask you about last night?" I sighed, as I looked down, and said "Well, okay Stamps." He reached over, picked up my chin slightly, and gave me a smile. I returned the smile and kept my head up. Then he asked me some more questions about Jake, and I told him everything, and about how Jake would slap me, and how we met, and everything. When I was done, Stampy said "Well Sqaishey, he is a jerk, and that girl 'Eve,' can do better than him." I nodded, and said "Well, at least I got away before the abuse really got bad..." He got closer to me, and he hugged me, and said "I love you my little ducky." A grin grew on my face, and I said "I love you too Kitty Cake." Then, Squid and Amy burst in through the door, laughing, and holding four trays, with tea! Me and Stampy stopped hugging, and a huge grin spread across my face, as Amy jumped onto my bed, and landed next to me, and she handed me, and Stampy our breakfast. We waited for Squid to sit down, and he gave us our tea, and Amy gave him his food. We ate in Amy's and my room, (Amy and I agreed to call our room, the 'Lovely Duckies' room) Amy, Squid, Stampy, and I, all ate on my bed. I honestly didn't think my bed could fit all of us.... Oh Well!!

~Time Skip~

As soon as we were all done, I went to the living room, and I sat on the couch, and started watching Netflix, for some reason, I decided to watch "The Fault in our Stars." I sat on the couch, and as the movie kept going, I felt tears welling in my eyes. Few tears were because of the movie, and most of the tears, we're because I was thinking of me and Stampy, and about last night. I kept thinking.... what if Jake was right? What if Stampy didn't love me? What if I was ugly? What if...... What if Stampy deserves better? All these questions were swimming around in my head, and I started to cry harder! I couldn't control my tears anymore! All I wanted to do was cry! I wanted to curl into a ball, and disappear from the universe. Then, I felt an arm wrap around me, and hug me. I turned, and it was Stampy. I cried hard into his chest, and I realized, This is what Jake was talking about! I'm weak, I am a cry baby! I cry at any little thing! Now, I really couldn't stop. Then, Stampy realized I wasn't crying about the movie. And he whispered in my ear "Please don't cry ducky." Now, I'm sure my face was red from crying too much, and now my eyes were red and puffy. Stampy looked at me, and said "Why are you crying Sqaishey?" I got up, and I ran up the stairs, and into the 'Lovely Duckies' room. Once I was inside, I locked the door. Luckily, Amy wasn't in there, she must have been with Squid. I layed on my bed, and I cried. I heard Stampy hitting the door, and shouting "PLEASE SQAISHEY!! OPEN THE DOOR!!!" I only sobbed harder, as the questions circled my head. I started to doubt weather Stampy really loved me or not..... Then, Stampy unlocked the door, with a spare key. He ran over to me, and he gave me what seemed like a never-ending hug. At first, I tried to fight the hug, then, I realized it was useless. I just stayed there... crying, into Stampy's arms. I really didn't deserve him, he was just too good to me!! The hug felt good, even though I was tensed up, I relaxed, and I just stared at the door.

~Time Skip 5 minutes~

Stampy finally realised me from the hug. I couldn't bear to look at him! I just couldn't! Not after crying over a silly little thing, not over that..... I mean, how could I question his love for me? I stared at the bed sheets, then, Stampy put his fingers underneath my chin, lifted up my tear stained face, and said to me "Please don't cry Ducky. And lift up your beautiful face, please?" I nodded, and I kept my face up, sometimes, I really wondered, why Stampy loved me, I mean, why me? Why not one of all the other girls in the world? Why me? I didn't realize I was staring off into space, until Stampy said calmly in a whisper: "Sqaishey..... Oh Sqaaaaiiiiishey..." I snapped out of it, and I looked at him. As he said:

"Sqaishey, I know you weren't crying because of the movie..... You were crying about the incident with your ex... weren't you?"

I nodded, and I really didn't feel like talking, I just wanted to sleep, and forget all my worries. Then Stampy said:

"Well, if you ever want to talk, I'm here. After all, your not with him anymore, your with me, and, I'll never let anyone hurt you. I promise."

I said in a sad voice:

"Do you pinky promise?"

I said holding out my pinky, he smiled ever so slightly, and said:

"I pinky promise."

He then took my pinky in his pinky, and we shook. I smiled, and so did he, and he asked:

"Well, now do you want to talk? You don't have to if you don't want to."

"I'll talk." I said sighing.

Then I let it loose, I told him about the questions circling my head, and asking him repeatedly the questions, while at the same time, trying to hold back the flood of tears that were about to come loose. Stampy saw my tears already wanting to come out, so he pulled me into a huge hug, and whispered in my ear:

"I love you Sqaishey. You are my world, my light, my joy, my bestfriend, my other half, my everything. Never let other people, or Jake bring you down. You are you, and you are unique, beutiful, happy, amazing, and smart! I love you Sqaishey. And to prove how much I love you, I'll say this: I love you more than Tea, and cake."

I was shocked, I knew Stampy loved me, but not this much! The tears wanting to come down my cheeks, stopped. It was like... the sun came out in my eyes, and dried up all the tears. I felt happy, the most happy I have been since I left Jake that night. I loved Stampy, I really did. Every time I was with him, my heart pounded like crazy! I always felt like my heart would leap out of my chest, and land on Stampy's lap. If only he knew how happy it made me when he walked into the room, if only he knew how happy he made me... If only he knew.... But, I realized I love Stampy more than anyone on this planet, even in this universe! Before I knew it, we were kissing, and it felt so right! When we pulled away, we both stared into each other's eyes, I stared into his beautiful brown eyes, and sure enough, just like that night of our first date, I saw love in his eyes, but not a little spark anymore.... no-no.... it was a HUGE strong flame of love, and not the little spark I saw on our first date, this was a HUGE flame of love, just dying to get out. I smiled, and Stampy kissed my nose.

A/N Hiya Guys!! How are y'all enjoying the book!? I love writing it, but now, school is getting hard, I have so many tests to study for, so, I am soooo sorry for not updating.... But, worry not! Because the chapters might be slown down a bit, but I will update the four chapters, no matter what!! I will still update the four chapters all at once. But I really do hope y'all are enjoying this book! Keep reading Book worms... Bye!

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