Chapter 28~ What is it?

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Amy's pov

When Sqaishey and Stampy came home, they brought a cat with them! I love the cat... her name is Ori! But while they were getting a cat, and Sqaishey's things, I phoned my mother, and I told her I was seeing someone...


My mum wanted to meet Squid. So, we decided to meet in the park. When she saw us... I immediately introduced Squid. We had great fun together, we sat at the benches, and talked for hours...and later on I asked if she liked Squid, (the only reason my mum is here, and not my dad, is because my parents are seperated) my mum said "I love him!" I let out a relieved sigh, and said "Good, so you wouldn't mind us having promise rings?" She stared at us in shock, and said "Well... umm... I love him, and as long as I know you love him... then I am okay with it!" Then Squid and I let out a sigh of relief, and we put on our rings. We held hands, and we looked happily into each other's eyes, then my mother asked "Amy... im excited for you... but..." "But what?" I asked interrupting her. "But you two have only been seeing each other for only a few weeks.... is there another reason to the rings?" I grew nervous, and I started bitting my lip, when I felt the warm blood trickle into my mouth. I made the blood stop, and I looked at Squid. He looked back at me with a scared expression as well. I squeezed Squid's hand, I was so scared! What would she think!? What would she say!? Then I opened my mouth to speak, but no words came out... until I gathered the courage then I studdered "Mom- Do you really like -Squid?-" My mother nodded, and said "Yes! Of course Amy!.....Why?" I said "Well...." Then I squeezed Squid's hand, and with my other free hand, I patted my stomach, and said "We kinda.... You see.... in nine months.... you will be grandmother...." I looked at my mothers' face, and she looked shocked, out of fear! I shut my eyes tightly, expecting her to scold me, or Squid, but she didn't....  instead, my mother said "Amy, I'm disappointed, but it was on purpose, only for pleasure... I hope?" I nodded my head, and my mother said "Well, at least you two are getting together... at least your owning up to it..." I let out a sigh of relief, and I looked at Squid, and he grinned. Then she asked "Do you know the gender?" I shook my head, and said "No." Then I learned I can know my baby's gender! I grew excited, then we all said our 'Good Bye's,' and off Squid and I went! But we weren't going just yet... Oh no, we were gonna get Stampy and Sqaishey, then we would all go!

~End of Flashback~

After we all played with Ori for a bit, I filled in Sqaishey and Stampy of what happened, and Sqaishey's face lit up when I said "Let's go find out weather I'm having a little girl, or a boy!" Sqaishey and I squealed, and the guys gave each other a 'bro hug....' we ran into the car, and Stampy drove, while Squid sat with him in the front, while Sqaishey and I sat in the back, talking... "What do you want Amy?" Sqaishey asked "Hmmmm... I think... I want... a... GIRL!" I shrieked, Sqaishey said "Okay Amy, but you don't have to yell..." I frantically shook my head, and I yelled and pointed "NO!! STAMPY, MOVE! A GIRL IS CROSSING THE STREET!!!" Sqaishey and I screamed, while Stampy swerved the car, and once he passed the girl, we all turned our heads. The girl was on her phone, and she screamed as she curled up into a ball. Then I saw her stand up, and act like nothing happened. We were all paniking, but when we saw she was okay, we went on our way to a doctor's office. Then Sqaishey turned to me, and asked "So what DO you want?" I replied "A girl." She smiled, and nodded her head. Then she asked Squid "What do you want Squid?" He looked in the mirror, smiled, and said "I want a boy." I grinned, and rubbed my baby bump. Moments later, we pulled into the parking lot, and entered the clinic. The waiting room was painted a white color, with purple along the trim. I guess purple, so it can be a mix between pink and blue! How cute! We signed in, and waited for them to call my name...

IT SEEMED LIKE AN ETERNITY!!! But it was only 2 minutes... until, (FINALLY) they called my name!

"Amy Lee?" I jolted up, and loudly exclaimed "HERE!!" The nurse laughed, waited for me to follow her... I stood up, and grabbed Squid by his arms, he stood up, and smiled a bit. I turned to see Sqaishey and Stampy, and wave 'bye.' Sqaishey started flapping her arms around like crazy, and she was grinning, but Stampy only waved, and smiled. I giggled a bit, before Squid whispered in my ear "Let's go Amy..." I nodded, and I followed the nurse.

She led us into a yellow painted room it was decorated with white bubbles, it had a bed in the center, with a window. The blinds were pulled up, so I could see the beautiful lake outside. Next to the bed, there was a screen, some tools, a desk, and two black spinny chairs. There was a lady standing there. I guess she was the doctor. She looked pretty! She had straight Chestnut colored hair, it was pulled back into a ponytail... she had a warm welcoming smile. She was wearing a blue colored shirt under her doctors coat.

The Doctor smiled, and waved. The nurse introduced us, and said "Ms. Lee, this is Dr. Maple. She will be guiding the ultrasound." I smiled, and we shook hands. The nurse stood to the side, and Dr. Maple instructed for me to lay on the bed. After I was on the bed, she motioned for Squid to sit on one of the  spinny chairs. He sat down, and he held my hand. I smiled, and I looked at him. Then I drew my attention back to the nurse. She smiled, and she sat down on the spinny chair closest to the monitor, and myself. Then she said "Alright Ms. Lee, please pick up your shirt enough to reveal your baby bump." I did as she said, and she turned on the monitor, she grabbed her clipboard, and a pen, then she asked "How many weeks along are you?" "Three weeks." I replied. She nodded her head,and scribbled something down. Then she placed the clip board down, along with the pen.

She a grabbed a tool, and she rubbed the warm, purple gel onto my bump. Then I felt a kick... the doctor must have felt it too, because when the baby kicked, she stopped moving, and she looked at me. She was smiling, and so was I. Then she continued rubbing the gel, and she looked at the screen. It was still black... until it loaded... When the screen loaded, Dr. Maple grinned very big. She looked at the monitor, then she turned to Squid and I, and she asked "Ms. Lee, what do you think you have? A boy or a girl?" I grew eager, and I said "A girl." Then she turned to Squid, and asked "Mr. Lee, what do you think it is?" Then Squid replied "I'm Mr. Spencer... we're not married yet, but I think it's a boy." She smiled, and nodded. Then she said "I'm sorry for the confusion... but... would you both like to know your baby's gender?" "YES!!" I exclaimed. She laughed, and said "Well, what if I told you, your both wrong......" Squid and I looked at each other in complete shock, then we looked at her, and she said grinning "Your having....."

~Time Skip~

We thanked Dr. Maple, and we exited the room. Then we stepped out, into the waiting room, to see Sqaishey and Stampy. Sqaishey sprang up, and ran to hug me! Stampy got up, and he gave Squid another 'bro hug...' Then Sqaishey hugged Squid, and Stampy hugged me. Then we went to pay the doctor, and we went into the parking lot. Once we found our car, we got back inside. Stampy drove, and Squid got in the front, and Sqaishey and I sat in the back.

Once we were settled in the car, Sqaishey asked me "So what are you having Amy? A boy or a girl?" I turned to her and said "Neither..." She looked at me in complete shock, and she asked "What do you mean!?" I grinned, and I said "I'll tell you later...." Then she made a pouty face... I smiled, and I leaned my head against the window, and I fell asleep.

A/N  Hiya guys!! I'M SORRRYYYYY!!! Plz don't be mad at me!! But you'll find out what Amy's having soon.... don't worry.... soon.... he....he....he....heheheheHEHEHEHEHEHE!!!! I know I'm crazy... :/ It's not an easy problem to fix... Well then, I guess I'll start writting the next chapter.... BYEEEEEEEEE  BOOK  WORMSSSSS!!!!! :)

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