Chapter 19~ Promises

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Sqaishey's pov

It was morning, and Amy was sleeping. I got out of bed, and I went downstairs to the kitchen. I saw Stampy downstairs making breakfast... Like seriously!! What time does this guy wake up!? I smiled, shook my head, and whispered "Good Morning" in his ear. He jumped a little, and pulled me in close, we smiled, and he said "Good Morning Miracle Duck." "Good Morning Kitty Cake." I replied. He smiled, and asked "Are you excited for tonight?" "Yes I am." Was my answer. He smiled, kissed me on my nose, pulled away, and served me my pancakes. I thanked him, and waited for him to sit down next to me. When he did, we ate, and he stood up, and said "Well Duckie, I have to go get ready for tonight, so... Bye for now Duckie..." And he kissed me on the cheek. "Okay then... bye Kitty Cake."  I finished my pancakes, and I watched Stampy head out the door. Hmm, what should I do? I already recorded today's videos, and I edited them, so I'll upload them!

~Time Skip~

When I uploaded the videos, I checked on Amy. She was still asleep. As I took another step, she opened her eyes, and said "Good Morning Sqaishey." "Good Morning Amy." I replied with a smile. She smiled, and I asked "Hey, Amy, would you like to go to the mall with me?" "Sure!" She replied with a smile. "Okay then!" I replied returning the smile. "Hey, we're going to get you  something for you to wear, for tonight!" She replied enthusiastically. I smiled and said "Well, we're going to get you new clothes, and stuff for your baby!" We squealed, and jumped around. Then we thouht it would be best if we actually got dressed to go to the mall.

~ Time Skip~

We were careful not to wake up Squid, as I do not know how he didn't wake up when we squealed, or when we jumped around. We held onto the rail, and carefully went quietly down the stairs. But when we got to the bottom, we found Squid was dressed, and was drinking his tea. He stood up, and asked "Where are you two going?" "To the mall." I replied. "Well, be careful." He said kissing Amy. She replied "I will." She smiled, and we left.

~ Time Skip~

When we got to the mall, we went into a nice looking dress store. We found a helpful lady, who helped me find a beutiful miniskirt. It was yellow, and had some gold glitter on it. Then we ran into the baby store. There were some couples looking around, and almost all of them had some baby clothes in their arms. Amy looked happy, and she was looking at every crib, and kept asking if it was safe for a baby... After she had a few cribs in mind, she walked over to the 'baby clothes' section. Amy was a lot faster than me, and she ran straight into an aisle. When I caught up with her, I saw her feeling a pink onesie. She looked happy. And I walked up to her, and asked "You really want a girl... Don't you?" She nodded, and whispered "Yes." I smiled, and asked, "Are we buying anything, or just looking?" Then she let go of the pink onesie, and pulled out a yellow onesie, with an orange beak on the hood, and I knew it was a yellow duckie onesie. I covered my mouth, and I 'awwed' She held it out with a smile, and said "Sqaishey, you are my best friend, and I want to ask, Will you and Stampy be my baby's godparents?" I felt the tears coming down my face, and I said "Yes!!" We hugged, and I asked "Wait, does Stampy know?" "Yes, Squid and I asked him yestersay." We hugged again, and we got the duckie onesie.

~ Time Skip~

When we got home, neither Squid, or Stampy was there, I checked the time, and it was was 6:00! I turned to Amy, and I said "Amy!! It's 6:00!! I'm going to be late!! I should go get ready!!" Amy looked at me and said "Go get ready!! I'll get ready too!!" And off we ran. I ran into our room, and started changing into the miniskirt. When I finished changing, I applied light make up, put on some glittery flats, and did my hair. I left it down, and grabbed my purse. I met Amy down stairs with her pink miniskirt, some pink flats, and she had her hair done, with some light make up as well. When she saw me, she said "Wow Sqaishey! You look beutiful!" "Thank you Amy! You look beutiful too!" I replied. It was now 7:00, we had only 30 minutes!! But we were so happy to see how beutiful we both looked, we squealed, and ran out the door!

~Time Skip~

We made it to the park entrance at 7:30, just in time! It was dark, the stars and the moon were out, and when Amy and I got to the entrance, we saw Squid in a tux. He looked at us, and said we looked beutiful. Then he kissed Amy, and said to follow him. Amy and I walked behind him, and I wondered what was up ahead. We went to the center of the park, and there were so many lights and decorations, and streamers! It was all so beutiful!! There, in the center of it all, was the gazebo, and there was a table there, with two seats, and standing there, was Stampy. He was also in a tux. The only ones there, we're Squid, Amy, Netty, Tom, Stampy, and I. Tom was also in a tux, and Netty had a purple miniskirt too.... No wonder Amy pushed me to get a miniskirt, and not a floor length dress! But I was the only one with glitter... and Stampy was the only one with a tulip in his tux pocket... an orange tulip too... when I saw Stampy, we walked towards each other. We grabbed each other's hands, and we looked into each other's eyes. The silence was broken, when Stampy said "You look very beutiful Sqaishey." "Thank you Stampy, you look very handsome." I said. Then Squid started playing music on his phone, and Netty, Tom, Squid, Amy, Stampy and I all slow danced to it. When the song stopped, Stampy held my hand, and led me to the gazebo. He pulled the chair out for me, and said "Your seat, Sqaishey." I replied with "Thank you." And I sat, he pushed the seat back in its place, and he took his seat too. Squid brought out some food, and we started eating, while I glanced down to the ground next to the gazebo, there was another table, where Amy, Netty, Squid, And Tom were all sitting. I smiled. And returned my gaze to Stampy, as he was stroking my hand. I looked at him dreamily, and when all, of us finished eating, Tom came around collecting our plates. Then Stampy -again- broke the silence, by saying "I love you my little Ducky." "I love you too Kitty Cake." I replied. Then Stampy stood up infront of me, I was about to stand too, when he told me "Please sit back down Sqaishey." So I did... he still stood infront of me, and held onto both of my hands, and said "I love you Sqaishey, and you have taught me, to be a better version of myself.  You make me feel like the happiest, and luckiest man alive. And you are the woman of my dreams, but, I cannot promise you happieness, nor can I promise you wealth... but, I can promise you, my heart." My heart skipped a beat. As he got down on one knee, and took out a little black box from his pocket. And said "Bethany Bates, I love you with all my heart, and I promise to protect you, and to love you forever. We are still young, and I hope one day, we will be Mr. & Mrs. Garrett. But I need to know, will you promise to love me?" And with that he stopped talking. And only smiled. While I was sitting there, looking at the beutiful thin gold ring, with a small diamond, and looking back at Stampy. "Joseph Garrett, I love you with all my heart, and I promise to always love you.... Yes." I said with a smile. And with that, Stampy stood up, and slipped the beutiful ring on my finger. I looked at it, and I hugged Stampy, I hugged him tight as I let the tears trickle down my face. I loved him, and I didn't want this moment to end! Around us, I could hear people clapping, and shouting for us. Then we stopped hugging, and we kissed. When we pulled apart, Stampy wiped the tears from my face, and we walked down from the gazebo, and Squid played the music again. We slow danced, I rested my head against Stampy's chest, and I heard his heart beating. I picked up my head, and we looked into each other's eyes in the moonlight, and we just smiled. Then Stampy chuckled, I smiled, and asked "What? Why are you laughing?" He chuckled, and said "I'm dancing with my future wife," Then he leaned in close to my ear, and whispered "and the mother to our future children." I smiled, and kissed his cheek. We danced, until we got tired and went home. Then I thought.... What about our parents?

Hiya guys! Hope y'all enjoyed the chapter! Merry Late Christmas!! (Happy Holidays!)  :) How were your Holidays? How do you guys like the book? Let me know in the comments! Sorry for the long chapter... I got really into it! Anyways... Bye Book Worms!  :)

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