Chapter 36 ~ Tweet Tweet

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Sqaishey's pov

I arrived at the mall a little later than I planned to. There was a lot more traffic! I stepped into the cool air condishioning of the big mall. I was walking along many other people trying to get into the busy centre of the furniture store. Amongst the many people, I got seperated. I got FURTHUR away then I intended. I decided instead of getting pushed around by the many other young couples, I would walk around a bit. 

I was walking along the stores, looking inside each of them, wondering what Stampy was doing on his computer. Of course, I tend to jump to the worst ideas ever. I thought it was for another girl! Why would he do that? But then again, why was he on a page with roses and candles?

I was absent mindedly walking around the mall with these thoughts, that I didn't notice I walked into a shop!

Apparently, I had now stepped into a fairly new shop. It was one I have never seen in this mall before.

It was a pet shop.

I turned around to leave, but then I saw the mass of people outside. I decided to stay in the shop. Anyway, might as well look around at the cute pets!

I started walking around, looking at all the pretty tropical fish, then I started looking at some of the dogs, then I saw the birds. There was one bird that I really liked. It was a mostly white bird with blue feathers. I turned around to see if I could find an employee, so I could ask them about the beautiful bird! I found someone standing right behind me. He was tall, with black hair and brown eyes. I jumped a little bit, "Sorry, I didn't know you were standing there." I said quietly to him, there was no need to speak any louder, as he was standing very close to me. Then he backed up a bit as he said "Sorry, you were walking around the aisles, I thought you would need some help." Without making things even more awkward I said "Umm, I like this bird, can you tell me about it?" I had said 'it' because I did not know the gender. The man glanced behind me, looked back down, and said "We don't know the exact species of the bird, but it's a girl. She does not have a name yet, and she can be yours. Today we have a sale, so it would not be very expensive to buy her."

~Time Skip~

The next moment I knew, it was dark, they were closing the mall and I walked out with bags of clothes in my hands and a bird in a bird cage with some stuff for her. I don't exactly know what came over me, or how I bought everything most importently, why I bought everything, or how I was able to carry everything... oh dear.... I wonder what Stampy would think...

Stampy's pov

It is getting very late... I wonder when Sqaishey will get here... It has been AGES since she left... I hope she is okay.

What if something happened to her? What if she is NOT okay? What if the car broke down? It's very late... It's already 8:00... she left at around 12... What if something DID happen!? I've called and messaged her about a thousand times and still, no response!

Without thinking anymore, I ran to get the keys, ran out the door, jumped in the car and sped off to the mall.

~Time Skip~

I stepped out of the semi-old car. There was a cool wind that led me to grab my sweater from the car. It was so dark, you could barely see a thing! The only thing visible, were the dim lights coming from the already closed mall. The way I saw everything, it looked kinda creepy. This looked like the kind of thing that would be in a horror film!

It was not so dark, I could still see if there were any cars. Which, there were not besides mine! I walked up to the mall, still in disbelief that Sqaishey was not here. I walked over to where the security guard was standing. "Sorry sir, the mall is closed." He said. "I'm so sorry sir, but, have you by any chance seen a tall girl with brown hair and ocean blue eyes?" The man took a minute to think before saying he did see a girl like that, but he also said there were about a million other girls who fit that description. Then I pulled out my phone and I showed him a picture of her. He studied the picture of Sqaishey a bit, then said "I know her!" My heart felt lighter as I asked him "So then you've seen her!?" He looked at me and said "Of course I've seen her!" I grinned as I looked around and asked him "Where have you seen her!?" Then he said "On my grand children's comptuers!" He smiled proudly as he said this. Then my heart sunk. As I slowly hesitantly asked "So, you have not seen her here? At this mall?" Then he slowly shook his head 'no' and said "Sorry mate." As I walked away, I had thanked him for trying... Then he ran up too me and said "Hey! I know you to! My grand children watch you to!" I semi-smiled and asked if he wanted a picture. He did want a picture, so I  took one with him, and I took another one on my phone to. Then he thanked me for the pictures and waved 'Good-bye' as I drove away.

~Time Skip~

I got home to see the other car Sqaishey had taken parked in the drive way! I must have missed her while driving to the mall! I excitedly ran from the car through the door, and I was greeted by a happy Sqaishey! I ran to her and I hugged her! I was overjoyed she was home! Then I kissed her, she was shocked to see I was very happy to see her. Then we pulled away and she said "Wow, I missed you too." Then she asked me "Where were you?" I replied "I drove to the mall to see if you were still there!" She smiled and said "Awww!" Then I asked her "Why didn't you answer my calls and messages?" Then she said "My phone died... sorry" I threw myself on the couch, and asked her "So what did you buy?" She smiled and led me to the kitchen where a million bags were! I stood there in shock as I asked "Are these all clothes!?" She smiled and nodded very excitedly. Then I said "I would like to see you wear all this at once." Then she laughed. I asked her "Is this all you bought?" Before she could answer I heard a chirp. My eyes opened wide and she looked at me so innocently... Then I cloosed my eyes jokingly and said "I hope that's your ringtone..." I opened one eye and I looked at her still standing there. Then she said "a little birdy stopped by at a pet shop sale..." I laughed and asked her where the bird was. Then she led me to the closet next to the kitchen... And in there was a white-blue bird inside a birdcage... I looked at Sqaishey and asked her about the bird. She said it was a girl and that she also wanted to name her 'Cortana.' I nodded my head. Then I took the birdcage out of the closet and I put it in the kitchen. I looked at Sqaishey and asked "What about Ori?" Sqaishey said Ori would be fine... she already met Cortana...

I was tired and so was Sqaishey. So I wraped my arm around her and led her up the stairs to her room. The whole way up, she told me about her day. Then I told her about my little adventure at the mall with the security guard. I showed her the picture and she laughed. Then she asked me about Amy and Squid. I told her that they went to go on a get away trip somewhere. They wanted to be spontaneous. She nodded. Then I went into my room where I fell asleep instantly.

Lesson learned... NEVER let Sqaishey go to the mall ALONE!


A/N Hiya! How are you guys!? Sorry I have not been uploading, I have had a lot of work for school. I hope this chapter makes up for everything! Hope y'all have a nice day! **NOTICE** The book will be coming to an end soon... and expect A MAJOR time skip in the next chapter... (maybe a time skip I'm not sure yet...) But don't worry, I will be releasing a sequel to this book after it's over ;) Just wanted to say... Thank you for voting and commenting, it means the world to me! :) Thank you guys for sticking with this book and sticking with me! Sorry if there are any typos that slipped my mind... :)
Love you guys, ~Blossom🌸

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2018 ⏰

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