Chapter 23~ Second Thoughts?

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Amy's pov

'Running, I'm running, I have no where to go, and I'm running from something. I don't know where I'm going... but I'm going somewhere. I'm running through a clear grassy pasture, the sky is blue, and I'm wearing a white loose dress, with red flowers on the bottom of the dress. I had no shoes or socks on... just my feet against the wet, soft grass. My black hair was flying through the air, but I was scared... scared of what? I only knew I had to keep going... if I stopped, it would ruin my life... I had to keep going, and never look back... keep going straight... never look back... I repeated this to myself, as I kept running... I was getting tired, and the soft grass beneath my feet was turning hard, and brown. The grass was dying. The sky was turning grey. My panting grew louder, and I wanted to stop, and rest for a bit. But I couldn't. The hard brown grass made me slow down, the pasture came to an end, I ran into a forest, and I wouldn't stop running. I was coming to the end of the forest, and a cliff came into view.... No where to run, no where to go, no where to hide... where do I go? What will happen? I had to choose fast, the cliff was getting closer... I kept running, I closed my eyes and screamed... I don't know why I screamed, I thouht maybe it I screamed loud enough, I would be saved. Keep running, keep running, keep running, that was the only thing I could do, I couldn't stop... I had to keep going. I kept my eyes shut tight, and kept screaming my loudest, until I no longer felt the grass beneath my feet... only the air. Nothing more. I felt as if I was falling... falling... falling... I wouldn't stop... if I hit the groundI would keep running... don't stop...keep running...then the world turned black, where do I go? Where am I?'

~*~End of Dream~*~

I woke up screaming, Sqaishey shaking my shoulders, and Sqaishey, Stampy, and Squid all yelling my name... when I realized it was them, I curled into a ball, barried my face, and I cried. I cried harder than I ever cried before, I cried the hardest in my life. I couldn't keep having dreams like this. It had to stop. I have to stop being scared...Sqaishey was hugging me, and Squid and Stampy just stood there. I heard Sqaishey to tell them to leave, and that she would take care of it. When I heard the door close, I wrapped my arms around Sqaishey's. And I picked up my head a little. I was starting to calm down a bit, and Sqaishey asked me "Are you okay Amy?" I shook my head 'no' and sniffed a bit. She asked me "What's wrong." I whipped a tear from my eye, and said "I'm not sure I want to have this baby..." "Why not?" Asked Sqaishey "I'm scared. I'm scared of everything... what if I loose the baby, what if I'm a horrible mother... I don't even know if I should have the baby." Then Sqaishey said "Or, what if you don't loose the baby, what if you turn out to be a wonderful mother, you will be absolutely fine Amy..." I picked up my head a bit, and said "I don't know if I want to have the baby, it was just an accident, and what if it messes with my life, I mean! Not even my life, what if this thing messes with Squid's life!?" Sqaishey stared at me a moment, before saying "Amy, don't you ever call your baby an accident, your baby will be beutiful, and will not mess with your life, just wait. Now think... when your on that bed, and you finally get to hold your child for the first time, it will feel like the best thing in the world, and you will instantly love the little one with all your heart!" I thought about this, and said "I don't know if I'm ready. What happens if something goes wrong, and I loose my baby? What then?" She smiled, and said "Amy... trust me, you'll be a terrific mother! Your beyond ready! Thats why you had the nightmare, you are scared for your baby! And thats a good thing! Absolutely nothing will go wrong!" I said "If I'm gonna be a good mother, then why did I think of abortion!" I cried, and Sqaishey hugged me and said "Your scared is all." "How can I bring someone into this cruel, unhappy world!?" I said still crying. Sqaishey said "Its true, the world is a bit of a mess, but it will work out." Then I said "Sqaishey, promise me, if something does go wrong, promise me you and Stampy will help Squid with the baby." Sqaishey started to shake her head, and mumble "Amy..."  I tried not to let the tears roll down my face, as I said "No, Sqaishey, promise me, please promise me! That's the role the godparents play!" The she bit her lips, and said "Alright Amy, I promise if something goes wrong, Stampy and I will help Squid out." I said "Thank you," and we hugged. Then Sqaishey asked me "What's this?" As she felt something on my hand... I giggled a bit, and said "That's a promise ring... Squid gave it to me today... we were at the park, and then BAM!!" She squealed a bit, and  said "Why didn't you tell me!" I laughed and said, "Well there you go! I just did!" We laughed, and hugged! When we stopped, Sqaishey asked me "Are you feeling better Amy? Can I let the guys in now?" I nodded, and she got up, and unlocked the door, then she opened it. She called out into the hallway "You guys can come in now!"  I guess they went to their rooms, because I heard someone running, and in came Squid. He jumped onto the bed, "How are you love?" He asked holding my hand, and kissing it. "I'm alright now." Then I saw Stampy coming in, and sitting on Sqaishey's bed with her. I smiled and bit, and we all relaxed, then I turned to Squid, and asked "How are we going to tell the fans?" Squid touched my stomach, and said "We'll figure it out." Then I was able to relax a bit, and then we all fell back to sleep. Then I asked myself 'Do I really want this baby? Yes. Yes I do.' Then I fell asleep with a smile on my face, with Squid next to me, and Stampy on Sqaishey's bed with her.

A/N Hiya guys! How are y'all? Sorry for the short chapter... I'll work on making them longer... but how did you guys like this chapter? How do y'all think the next chapter will go? Well, Bye Book Worms!

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