Chapter 12~ Hospital/ Dream

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Stampy's pov

Netty and I were still in the ambulance, pulling into the hospital. The paramedics pulled Netty down, and ran in the hospital with her, and me following close bebind. A nurse held me back, and told me I couldn't follow her anymore, I looked past her, and looked at Netty, they wheeled her behind big white doors, and she was gone. Into the big maze of rooms and doctors. Then, Squid, Sqaishey, Amy, and Tom all followed in, standing next to me. The nurse smiled and said, "Well, you can tell me what happened, and I'll get the rest sorted." We nodded, and I told her what hapened, when I finished, the nurse looked up from her computer, and she asked "Is that all?" "No." Said a voice. We turned around, and saw Amy. Then she told us what happened with her and Netty. When she finished, the nurse looked at all of us, and said "Okay, is that all?" "Yes." We all said. "Allright, well, please tell me her name." "Annette Garrett" I said, "But she known better as 'Netty.'" I added. The nurse nodded, and said, "We will let you know when she is done with her scan." "Scan?" We all repeated. "Yes, she must have a scan so we know what is wrong with her." Then she pointed us in the direction of the waiting room we sat and waited. We were mostly done crying, well, Squid, Tom, and I were, but the girls were still crying, but not as much as before. So, I comforted Sqaishey, and we kissed, until we realized we wee maybe making Tom a little uncomfortable, so we nudged Amy and Squid, to knock it off too. Which made Sqaishey giggle a little, and she smiled. Then I just hugged her until she stopped crying, then the doctor came into the waiting room, calling for "Annette Garrett, Annette Garrett?" We all stood up, and he told us that she had broken some ribs, and had a broken arm, and some cuts on her head, and some bruises. We were told that they took her to surgery, and that she would hopefully be okay. I lost it. My anger rose, and I said in a mean voice "What do you mean 'She will hopefully be okay?' Will she be fine or not!?" I asked angered. He had a saddened expression on, and said, "When she fell, she hit her head really hard, and she is in a coma." "WHAT!?" I yelled. "When will she wake up!?" I knew the answer to ask, but I didn't want to believe it. "When she is ready." The doctor said. And with that he left the room. When he left, I sank into my seat, and cried really hard, and I didn't want to stop.

~Time Skip~

I had stopped crying, and was hugging Sqaishey again, and I was thinking deep about Netty. I didn't want her to be in a coma, I wanted her to be okay. Then the doctor came in, and led us to her room. He said the surgery went well, and that she was doing fine. But she only needed to wake up. We all stood around her, and watched her. She was sleeping peacefully. When we all, must have fallen asleep.

I then woke up still next to Netty, but I woke up to someone stroking my hair, and whispering "Stampy." I looked around, and I saw Netty looking at me smiling, I couldn't believe it! She was up! I was over joyed, and hugged her, but wait, she was standing, and so was I. I looked down, and we were standing on clouds. Then I looked further down, and saw us all sleeping, and doctors rushing in the room. I panicked, and asked her "Are we dead?" Netty said "Yes." I looked down at what was happening in the doctors room on Earth, and Netty told me,"C'mon Stampy, let's go!" I shook my head 'No' and said "I'm not ready." She replied "But the pearly gates of Heaven are waiting, and so is St. Peter!" "No, Netty I'm not going." She smiled at me and said "Go back with Sqaishey. She really loves you. And this would rip her heart out. She loves you Stampy, I would love to be her sister-in-law. Take care of her." I smiled and said "I will Netty, but, come back with me, your journey isn't done yet either." "Okay."

~End of Dream~

I jolted up, and was still next to Netty. I stood up, and felt her forehead, and said "Don't leave yet, please." Then she fluttered her eyes open, and said "Hi Stampy." I cried and said "Hi Netty." While hugging her, I was overjoyed and I couldn't believe she was up. I told her "I had a dream, about you and me, and-" Netty cut me off by saying "I know, I had it too." We cried, and hugged, and said "I love you." When everyone else woke up, and they cried too, and they hugged Netty. Then Netty whispered to me, "Thanks for convincing me to stay." I nodded and said "You're welcome." And I smiled.

~Time Skip~

As we were leaving the hospital, Netty told me "I'm sorry." "For what?" I asked. "For causing so much pain, and tears, and for falling." She said tears welling in her eyes. "It's not your fault, you were trying to be nice, and it wasn't on purpose." I said smiling at her. We both smiled, and hugged.

A/N Awwwww, well that was a happy ending! Did y'all like the chapter? I really loved writting it! Well, hope y'all are having a great day/ night! And I hope y'all are enjoying the book! So, today I will upload the 4 chapters, and let me know what y'all want! Okay? Great! :) Well, Bye Book Worms!!! :)

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