What if i died???

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I walked in to the hell hole. I look up everyone has someone to talk to. I walk towards my locker. Where my friends used to be, now there 10 lockers down from me. All cuz of him.
Alisa the closest thing I have to a friend walks up to me.
Alisa: you'll never guess what? I just found out that Zachary likes u.
I watch Alisa walk away. This has become a normal routine they like me for my body,take away my body keep my personality and they'll go extents u won't even imagine to get away from me.After all it's not new. No one likes me.I always wonder will anyone notice if I died. Something inside of me tells me to stop thinking. The last bit of hope I have tells me just get throu this year and then it'll be all over u will see new ppl in high school.The last string I of hope tells me if just maybe if I tell them about my secret, then maybe we can start again. I know it's not gonna happen. The devil inside of me tells me he ruined everything. He is the reason my two best freinds look at me with pure hatred.He is reason I have depression. He is the reason the devil inside me is winning. He is the reason why I am dead on the inside. I walk to class emotion less. Emotion are horrible. It's better to keep it bottled up inside of u instead of telling someone only to get broken even more.As I enter the class I see him with his friends. I told him I hate him many times but this time I actually mean it. I HATE U DEREK.I REALLY TRULY HATE U!!!!!!!

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