I Will Bring Her Back

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I came back with all the medicines. I went to the doctor and talked about when these medicines should be taken. Afterward I was walking to Ranveers ward and noticed only Asha sitting  there. Where were Ranveers parents? As I walked up to Asha I asked her " where did uncle and aunty go?" Asha just gave a humourless laugh and said "even they left him and I would leave too but situation seems I can't leave u alone w him. The last time I did that, You were on the floor dying!" oh god this girl was always overreacting. "Alright I am going to give Ranveer his medicines " with that I entered Ranveers room. He was awake as I opened the door we made eye contact. The weird thing was I didn't see disgust in his eyes instead he looked at me like he was trying to solve a mystery. I didn't say anything to him and just started opening up his tablets and mixing him some juice to go down with the tablets. Yet from the corner of my I could feel him watching me. Like a predator watching its prey. He didn't look away. I took the juice and tablets and gave it to him. My hands were shivering in fear worried about how he was going to react. Although to my surprise he didn't say a word to me. He just took the medications quietly then continued to stare at me like he knew something he wasn't supposed to know. I was about to leave when suddenly Ranveer grabbed my forearm and what he said next shocked me to the core. His eyes shone with gratitude and something else I couldn't figure out as he said "thank you" I was stunned for a few seconds. I didn't understand. Maybe I should get the doctor. I mean this was Ranveer saying thank you to me. Ranveer never talked to me unless it was to insult me. Oh god stop it Maya. He is being nice to u for once. I just looked down and whispered a welcome. I put the cup away and walked to the door. I looked back once and he was still staring. I turned back and opened the door and was about to leave when suddenly he said "stay" I looked back confused. Why did he want me to stay. What the fuck was going on? Why is he talking with me. Treating me like a human. Is something wrong. Maybe something happened between him and Maira. I kept looking at him confused until I realized I forgot one of his rules. Always keep my head bowed down. I quickly tore my gaze away from him and looked down. I stood there waiting for him to speak. "I....I mean stay incase i.....um.....I need something....yeah stay in case I need something." I let go of the door and stood there. I heard him sigh before he said in a voice I have never heard before. A gentle soft voice. "You can sit down" I looked up shocked and confused. Firstly I thought when he was here I was always to stand. I mean last time I sat down he made me stand under ice cold water for over 2 hours so what does he mean sit. Secondly the only
chair available was the chair next to his bed. Do he want me to sit beside him? Ugh who was I kidding he probably meant sit in the floor. That sounds more like Ranveer. I was about to sit on the floor when I heard him say "I meant on the chair"

Ranveer's POV

I told her to sit on the chair and I saw her gaze fill with suspicion as if I did something to the chair. She slowly took steps towards the chair beside my bed as if it would pounce at her then slowly sat. When nothing happened I heard her release a sigh of relief. She wouldn't look at me and I knew why. If I could go back in time I would change everything. I would have never hurt her. I don't know what came over me, but I felt a strong urge to protect her. Keep her happy, yet all I saw in her eyes were hollowness, and I was the reason behind that. I didnt know she loved me this much.  Now that I think about it I don't see what I saw in Maira.  Taking in Maya's full appearance even with all the bruises she looks like a beautiful glass doll.  Looking at the bruises on her I wanted hurt myself for doing that to her. I wanted reach out and caress her cheek. I had such a beautiful life with a gorgeous girl who can't love me more than anyone in the world right in-front of me yet I didn't see it. I remember when I saw her at the hospital at my mothers accident. How feisty she was. The blazing fire in her eyes. The confidence and grace that radiated off her. Now that was all gone. This was all my fault, but no I was not going to sulk about this. I broke her now it's my responsibility to fix this, plus I was Ranveer Singh. Nothing was impossible for me. I was going to bring out the real Maya and this time the only difference would be I would not only bring out the real Maya I would also make her mine. Even if I have to go through hell and back.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2017 ⏰

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