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You know I don't easily get impressed by guys. I don't even believe in love but all that was going to change soon.Today we were going to our new high school  to look around. We had went there and I was walking around with my group, sad but hiding it. I was talking to Alex when I heard a deep voice " hey guys" I tuned around and saw a guy who looked HOT I tell u. He made my inside weird and I felt all giddy.He had amazing hair, and that jawline tho.He seemed so interesting. I was so lost in my thought I didn't realize he was talking to us. He came close and whispered "alright I thought I would help u out, if u guys ever u know want to get high, come and just ask me" I was laughing and and looked up to see him only to see him walking away. He seemed so intriguing I wanted to know more about him. I told the group I had to use the washroom and went back to look for him when I saw him walking back to go upstairs and I left. I just didn't know then that he was going to be the reason I was going to cry for the rest of my life.

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