What really happened part 2

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It all started of when I was 10,we were moving houses. We had left our apartment to move into our new house, but we had one week left before we could move into our new house. So we were staying at my uncle's house till then. At my uncles house there was my uncle,aunt,2 daughters and my uncles mother in law and father in law. The first day there went by fine. On the second day it was around 9, I was sitting on the floor watching tv and uncles father in law who I call grandpa was sitting behind me. He called me over to him and.....and.....started touching me in places a girl shouldn't be touched by anyone else other that her husband. He was kissing me and touching me and I didn't know what was going on. Then my mom called me to sleep and he left me. I was walking up the stairs confused as to what happened and he was right behind me, then he kissed me again and whispered don't tell anyone. I didn't understand why I shouldn't tell anyone. That's when my mom turned on the light and he suddenly backed off and my mom looked at me weirdly so I ran upstairs to my room still thinking about why I couldn't tell anyone. When I opened my room door I saw my dad sitting on the laptop. I felt something was wrong so I told my dad everything he did. My dad told my mom and my mom told my uncle and he told his wife. I didn't understand what was wrong, what he did or anything and after awhile I heard screaming and fighting downstairs. The very next day we left their house and went to my other relatives and I still had no idea that a guy I viewed as my grandpa just sexually assaulted me. As time went by I realized what had happened to me and I always saw those movies where girls would get raped and assaulted and always blamed themselves and said they weren't pure anymore, but I knew what happened wasn't my fault. I didn't do anything wrong and I wasn't a slut. At least that's what I thought until gr..8 happened. In gr.8, like I said Jessica,me and Fiona were the girls. It was normal that guys like us but we didn't  care cuz of them were our type.  Atleast that's what I thought. 4 months ago we found out that Derek liked Jessica and she liked him back. That wasn't my problem I didn't care. Derek would often ask me how to impress Jessica and I would tell him ways. It was going great, Derek's friends were became close to us  until one day Derek asked out Jessica but she refused idk y and I never asked cuz she didn't like taking about it but Derek didn't stop talking to me or more of like using me all he wanted was to ask me how to get Jessica. Jessica hated me talking to Derek she felt jealous and then her and Fiona started hating me and doing such cruel things. They would make bets with other people saying that me and Derek would start dating. They started avoiding me and by the end of the year that had the entire class label me as the class slut. That's what hit a nerve and by the end of the year they had me believing that I was a slut. Jessica, Fiona and I had many secrets between us. I thought maybe if I told them my darkest secret, then maybe we could start again. They would trust me but instead I told them and they gave me the dirtiest look and said "whatever." Gr.8 went by with me crying every night and faking a smile every day. What I didn't know then was that at least now I had my parents in few years with a world of billions of ppl, I won't have anyone. All because of the most stupidest reason. "LOVE"

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