She Won't Give Up

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I promise you, the 30 minutes it took for his parents to reach the house were the best 30 minutes of my life in the past year. It was filled with hugs, kisses, crying and laughter. The second the door bell rang my family were racing each other to get down stairs like they were going to war. Asha helped me get down the stairs only to see my older brother Ashok punching Ranveers dad square on the jaw. Oh god this was not going to end well. Ashwin who is Ranveers younger brother was not happy and with in a few seconds they were both fighting. All this stopped the second I reached downstairs. Aunty gasped at me while all the others were still in shock. Did I look that hideous? Aunty ran forward and was hugging me when she was physically thrown off me. I looked at the intruder to see Asha take a protective stance in front of me and growl " if another member from your fucked up family lays a finger on her, I'll make sure to feed your dead bodies to the dogs!!" As much as I wanted to tell Asha to calm down I was too caught up in staring at my brother who was looking at Asha the same way I have been looking at Ranveer. With the same passion and love I had. Even in this depressing situation I couldn't help but have a little happy dance in my head at my realization. I came out of my thoughts to hear Asha telling my depressing fucked up story again. After seeing my parents I wanted to be happy. Not just listen to the same story over and over again. Aunty came forward and brushed the side of my face. "He did this to you? Oh god what have I done! I shouldn't have got him married to you. I shouldn't have forced him. This is all my fault." Aunty was hugging me mumbling when her phone rang. She looked at the caller ID and her eyes flared in anger. I looked over and saw it was Ranveer calling. I don't know why but I felt my stomach sink. Aunty picked up the phone but before she could speak, her furious expression turned into a devastated one as she fell to the floor. Was Ranveer okay? Panic rose in me. What's wrong. "Aunty what happend? Is Ranveer okay? What happened? Answer me!" My screaming was replied with a whisper 
"Ranveer had an accident. They said they found his phone and called to tell that he is really serious!" Oh god! I felt my body tremble in fear. I limped over grabbed the car keys and was screaming at everyone to get in the car. I was almost out the door when I looked back and saw that no one was coming. My brother came forward and looked at me like I grew two heads. "Maya you don't need to see him. This is over and we are going home." Was he crazy? I was not going anywhere until I see him. I felt all the frustration,anger and sadness build up inside me from the past year as I screamed " ARE YOU CRAZY? HE IS MY HUSBAND AND I WILL GO TO SEE HIM WETHER YOU ARE COMING WITH ME OR NOT!" They all looked shocked. After a minute of calming down I whispered "please" and looked at my brother. Asha came over grabbed my hand and said "alright but your coming home afterwards" and she left no place for arguments so we all got in 2 separate cars and drove off. The 10 minutes it took to get their was horrible. Nervousness and fear radiated off me. The second we got to the hospital I jumped out of the car and ran inside. Which was really difficult considering my bruises. I asked the receptionist and she told me to go the ICU area.

We had been waiting for around 30 minutes but it felt like eternity. Finally the doctor came out and he didn't look so good. I ran over to the doctor. "How is he doctor" the doctor looked at me"who are you?" I didn't know. Was I supposed to say his wife. Oh well. " his wife" The doctor had an apologetic face. "He has lost a lot of blood. We need to find him AB negative blood which is really rare. Until that all you can do is pray for the best." As the doctor left I felt someone at my feet. I was shocked to see Aunty. "Maya please save him. I know you have the same blood group as him. Please. I will do anything but please just save my boy!" This reminded me of an year back only difference was now his mom was begging me while he was lying there. I was about to say yes when my dad spoke out in a stern voice. "Maya you will not be saving anyone. We are going home this instant. You wanted to see him and you did. We will send the divorce letters soon but if that fucked up son of yours ends up dead it will make life easier for us!" With that Asha came to help me leave. No I couldn't let him die. I will not let him die even if I have to fight the world. I tried to gather all the courage I had but all that failed when all that came out of me was a squeak. "No dad I can't do that. He is my husband." My family looked shocked at my response. My dad seemed to get angrier. "Maya Rathore we are leaving this fucking instant. Asha help her get in the car." This time I also spoke stern. There was no other way he would listen. "No Dad I won't come!" My dad turned around furious. He threw a vase to the floor and yelled " IF YOU DON'T COME THIS INSTANT YOU WILL BE DEAD TO US. YOU WILL SEE IS EVER AGAIN! YOU CHOOSE DO YOU WANT HIM OR US?"


Oh god that was a stupid question. If i knew one thing for sure I knew exactly who she would choose. So unlike everyone else who had a mini heart attack when she slowly loosened my grip on her hand and turned to call the doctor I totally expected this. She won't let him die. Truth was he could be a beast. Kill her. Kill her family. Take everything away from her. He could do anything but she would never give up on him. She would kill herself to save him. She won't give up on him for her, me or her family. She won't leave him for anyone or anything. For him she would go against the universe. Fight everyone in this planet all alone until the last breath leaves her body, and her last breath won't leave until she knows he is happy. If your questioning why she would do all this after all the terrible shit he has done to her. The only answer I have for you is LOVE. She loves him and no one can change that. Not you, not me, no one can. Not even god!

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