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How dare she punch me?!        All of a sudden she fell to the floor crying. What the fuck?she punched me and let me tell you that was one hard punch, I should be the one crying not her. This is awkward. What am i supposed to do? Maybe a pat on the back. I don't know. I gave her few minutes and she finally calmed down.  She looked at me teary eyed."why?.....why does this always happen to her? The people she loves the most always end up hurting her and she still goes back." What was she talking about? She suddenly gave a humourless laugh. Was this girl bipolar or something? One minute she is angry and then she is crying and now she's laughing. She quickly got up and pulled me by my collar. " you have no idea how much she loves you do you?" What the fuck is she saying. Maya loves me. But how? I have been so cruel to her. I looked at her confused. "What do u mean?" The girl suddenly turned around and threw a flower pot to the ground. "She has loved you since she was 15. FUCKING 15. She saw you in gr.9 and fell for you. She never did anything about it cuz she knew you loved Maira. Even at ur graduation she came. After I forced her to, but what did u do? You insulted her in front of everyone. Called her slut. Remember that? Huh tell me do u? At the end of that I thought you broke her. For as long as I knew her she never cried. She hates being weak in front of anyone. No matter how much the devil inside her told her to cry her heart always won. Just like every time her heart won at ur graduation. Not even a tear drop came from her. Even after that she went on with life.  She continued loving you and her heart kept on fight against the devil to win. You know when I came to your house and saw her on the verge on dying, when she woke up she still didn't cry. I saw how much she wanted to but she kept on fighting. Until this moment I always believed in her. I always knew her heart was the most kindest strongest thing. I knew she would keep on winning but for the first time in forever I am losing hope. For first time I am growing this fear that maybe this time she won't win. The devil is going to win. It's going to break her, leave her with nothing. You know what the scariest thing is? This time the devil is infront of her. Instead of killing it once and for all she keeps going back to embrace it no matter how much it hurts her. The scariest most fucked up thing is,this time the devil is the one she loves the most. The one she will give up anything for. You are the fucking devil. You are the devil she is going to lose herself to." With that the girl left my room without a glance, leaving me speechless.

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