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I would like to dedicate this chapter to saira1899  because she has not only inspired me to write more but has also made me the amazing cover below.

I would like to dedicate this chapter to saira1899  because she has not only inspired me to write more but has also made me the amazing cover below

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Anyone reading this plz do me a favour and go follow her💕 thx a lot saira1899 and plz keep giving me your feedback.

2 years later
I am in my junior year now. I hate it. Well not how junior is but how my crush for Ranveer has turned into a FUCKING OBSESSION! In the past 2 years other than his bday, I've practically figured out everything. He has 4 brothers. One younger and 2 older, and 1 little sister. Him and his brothers all take part in their drug dealing business. His favourite colour is black. He doesn't have a habit of eating lunch. He is very secretive and needs his space. Best of all, he hates emotions and is really bad at showing love. Just like me. Oh and one tiny detail that I forgot. It's not that big of a deal, it's not even that important. He.....he.........um.......he just, you know.........alright,he just has a girlfriend. Not that big of a deal right?
Ugh, I don't even know anymore, wether I am trying to convince u or myself, but u have no idea his girlfriend is freaking gorgeous. Her name is Maira Singh. They have been dating since their freshman year, but I have heras that she is a complete bitch. She probably doesn't even like him.....I hope. Anyways it's lunch right now and Asha and I are putting in our head scarves. You may wonder why? Well u see here, Asha and I like to go out at lunch to the sushi store to buy ice cream. I LOVE ICE CREAM! When I say it I mean like u could kill my family and then give me ice cream and I would forget about all my sadness. (Preferably mango ice cream) I know it's a weird flavour to be crazy over but whatever. Yeah so as I was saying we were going to get ice cream but our parents don't think it's safe for us to be out at lunch so we aren't allowed to but u see Asha and I together are like 2 dare devils. So we cover our heads with a head scarf and go out, since that's the way our parents use to got to wrk. The main reason I go out apart from going for the ice cream is because I know Ranveer does to but I haven't seen him for the past 2 days. I know why. The idiot didn't want to write a test so he called the police and said there was a bomb threat. Eventually the police found out it was him and some people say he got arrested and some say he got suspended. I don't know which one but I just hope he is okay. You may wonder how I know all this and let's just say it's because whenever I meet someone after getting to know them the first thing I ask them is "do you know Ranveer" I know it's creepy. "Maya hurry the fuck up before I get over there and drag you by your hair" and that's Asha being crazy. "I'm coming stop screaming" I wish I hadn't went that day cuz what happened next completely broke me on the inside.

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