Just The Begining

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Asha's POV
" I am an idiot. I should've known. I always felt like something was wrong. She was in trouble, yet I let her suffer for an entire year. This is all my fault. All my fault." My mumbling could be heard through the the house. No, first I need to help Maya.  God knows how but I somehow managed to get her upstairs. I went in to what looked like her bedroom and laid her there. I got her out of her clothes and used a warm wash cloth to clean her up. Once I was done, I got her into a night dress. It was the most painful sight. There were bruises everywhere. She looked so skinny and weak. I went down stairs and made her favourite food poutine and a hot chocolate. I went back upstairs and sprinkled a bit of water on her. She slowly woke up and tried to speak. I put the food in front of her. "Eat" i said in the most stern voice I could without breaking down in front of her with that I left. I realized I left my suitcases downstairs and went down to get it. Maya's parents had to know about this. Maya herself won't tell. I had to figure out a way that would make her tell her parents. For that I needed to figure out what happened after they got married. I remember the day she found out she was getting married. She was so happy. Like a child who got candy. She had come running to me. After Maya had saved  Ranveers mom they had gotten very close in a span of 8 months. Maya always wins people's hearts with her innocence. She will trust anyone. She had come out of breath at the middle of the night to tell me that Ranveers mom had asked for her hand in marriage. She was crying and laughing. I had never seen her so happy. I saw the light that once died return in her eyes at the knowledge of marrying her love. Now those very same eyes just reveal a never ending black pit. As I was bringing my suitcases upstairs I had a plan formulating at the back of my mind. Her parents will know about this even if have to die. With the plan I had in mind I got to work.

Maya's POV

As I was finishing up my food Asha came in. She grabbed a chair and sat beside. Before I got a word out she said in the deadliest tone " you are going to tell me what happened right this instant." There I knew there was no point lying to her. So I did what I could only do. I told her what happened. How he got married for his mother happiness. How he would beat me up, starve me. I didn't explain in detail. I didn't want to relive those memories.  Just as I was finishing up telling her about the last incident that happened yesterday, the door creaked open. There I saw the last person I wanted to see. They weren't supposed to know about this. They were supposed to think I was happy. I looked over at Asha who was fuming. Ugh. This little fucking bitch. This was all her job. She must have told them to hide behind the door while I blurted everything out about my fucked up marriage life. I looked at my mom. Tears were running down her face. She said in a mere whisper. " why didn't you tell us?" I have never heard my mom sound like that. So broken. More broken than me. Almost like she had died  so long ago. Like she was just a ghost. I felt the tears well up in my eyes. No one would give me a chance to say anything. My dad who had been silent till now could be heard throughout the whole neighbourhood as he roared " ASHA GET HIS MOTHER FUCKING PARENTS ON THE PHONE
AND TELL THEM TO GET THEIR LITTLE ASSES HER THIS FUCKING INSTANT" Then I thought this was going to be the end.  I thought my parents were gonna take me home. I was gonna lose my love. The only I have ever wanted to badly. So bad that I had given up my self respect. I thought it was all gonna be over. Little did I know this was just the beginning of my love story. I mean our love story. We were no where near the end. This was just the beginning!

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