Third Period

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It was time for third period. English the only class Asha and I had together. I loved English. It was my favourite subject. We had study hall today though. Study hall is horrible, it's so boring. When the teacher for whatever stupid reason it is cannot come to class, they send us to the cafeteria and we do lots and lots of worksheets. Asha and I made our way to the cafeteria and sat down, far away from the class. You may wonder why and that's because, the people in our class call us ratchet bitches
and we don't mind. After everything that I have been through I have learnt to stop caring about what other ppl say about me and to keep my emotions locked up inside, cuz opening up to people makes you look weak. I've been so lost in thoughts that I didn't notice times up. Theres only 10 minutes of study hall left. I was doing my wrk when Asha whispered. "OMG Maya look at the group of guys that walked in,they all look so cute." I didn't even bother looking over. "That's great Asha" I had replied and went back to doing my wrk only to be bothered again by a who was currently Asha freaking out. "Maya turn around, turn around quick and look at him. He looks so hot and perfect. He literally has no flaws.Look Maya. Ugh look already!" I have never been SOO irritated. I turned around with the least bit of interest, only to see Him💕. The one that offered my group drugs when we came to look around the high school. I didn't think I would see him again,
But here he is in all his glory. He was talking to his friends laughing. He looked so hot, like a freaking Greek god. The bell rang, signalling lunch and I went right behind him. He stopped at the atrium and he was pushing around his friends and laughing. I was looking at the Greek god in front of me, when I was being shaken. I looked over to see Asha smirking. "Maya stop drooling, you just trailed right behind him like a dog. I should take a picture, I mean a guy captured ur attention. That's legendary." I felt the blood rise up to my cheek. I probably resembled a tomato. " shut up Asha" I said with a smile and walked off to our lockers. But considering that I got married to that very Greek god 7 years later. When I think about it now,if I can change one thing about my life, it would be the day I saw him. If only I knew, that all the pain I had felt so far was going to be nothing compared to the pain I was going to feel all throughout my life after that third period.

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