She Chose You

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After a lot of struggle the doctor took my blood. I came out and as expected my family was gone and Asha stayed behind. A fool would think she was here to support my decision but it was obvious to everyone she was only staying to kick Ranveer's ass. After 30 minutes or so the doctor came and told us the good news that Ranveer was alright now. I was about to go inside when the doctor called me back "hey here's a list, can you go grab these medicines?" I didn't like the idea of leaving Ranveer alone with his parents considering the rage was back and blazing in their eyes. I shook of the thoughts and ran off to grab the medicines.

Ranveer's Mom POV

I went inside to see that bastard of mine. He was still unconscious. After about 10 minutes he slowly woke up.

Ranveer's POV

I slowly woke up and looked around. All of the events came crashing to my head. Me hurting Maya, going off to Maira's house, Maira cheating on me and then taking off from there and driving in rage. Afterwards being hit by a truck. I can't believe that bitch Maira cheated on me. I hurt Maya so much for that bitch only to realize that bitch was just a gold digger after my money. I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't see my mom standing there. When I saw her I felt my heart break painfully. The women I would give up anything for was looking at me with so much hatred. It didn't take a lot of effort for me to realize she found out about how i treated Maya. I felt disgusted with myself. I felt so much pain when I found Maira cheating on me so I couldn't even possibly imagine how Maya felt when I was cheating on her. My mom fell to the floor as much I wanted to help I couldn't because I was the reason for everyone's pain. She looked at me and then looked away like I was some type of disease. Then for the first time in my life I heard my mom who was always so strong sound so defeated as she whispered "after everything you did to her, she still chose you over her family." I was confused. Maya chose me for what? What the fuck is going on? I looked over at my father waiting for him to explain. He looked at the window with a stone hard face and said " Her family found out how you abused her and wouldn't let her come see you, but she fought with them and came here for you. When the doctor said you lost too much blood and that you need AB negative blood to save you, her father told her she was not allowed to give her blood to you. They told her to let you die and that if you didn't die they would apply for divorce. When she didn't listen her father told her to chose between you and them, that if she chose you she would be dead to them. The devastating part is she chose you in a heartbeat. Didn't even think about it." I felt my heart drop into a pit. She chose me. After i called her names, hurt her, didn't let her talk to her family or friends,  cheated on her and almost fucking killed her. She still chose me. I had an angel in front of me yet I chose the devil. I felt hatred build inside me for my self. I broke her self respect, her courage. I broke her heart, yet she fought for me with all her broken pieces. My dad looked over at me his shoulder slumped he came forward picked up my mom and was about walk out as he turned around and looked me dead in the eye and said " you know son I have always won. I won as a business man, a son, a husband, but you,my very own son defeated me. For the very first time I have lost. I have lost as a father." With that my parents left. I wanted to shout. Cry, but I couldn't. You might think I couldn't because I was in a hospital or something but truth was. Before I could drown in my own tears the door was slammed open to a furious lady standing. I promise you if I wasn't Ranveer Singh I would have peed my pants and jumped out the window to save my life. She looked familiar. I had seen her with Maya many times before our marriage. I didn't have much time to think because the next second there was a fist being thrown at my face. WHAT THE FUCK THIS GIRL JUST PUNCHED ME!

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