I wish I said NO

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Maya POV

OMG. I woke up startled from my nightmare. My eyes adjusted to the light and I looked around. I must have slept at the hospital. Wait, where's Ranveer? I got up when a cup of coffee was shoved to my face. It was Ranveer. "Good morning, I grabbed us a coffee and breakfast. Here take it."
I took the sandwich and coffee from him. "Thanks." We both sat down and were eating in silence when the doctor came by and said "Mr.Ranveer you can go see your mom, she is out of danger now" Ranveer gave a sigh of relief, said thank you and ran to see his mom. I waited for a few minutes before deciding I should leave. I helped him out and that's it. He has a girlfriend already and he would never like me. I grabbed my purse and was about to leave when Ranveer  stepped out and said "hey my mom wants to see you, do you mind coming in?" I wish I had said no. I wish I had left. Instead I said sure without realizing I was giving my self to a demon. After this pain was going to be my eternal best friend. I wish I had said no and left because this is where I was going to give him the power to break me. This is where it all truly started.

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