Crazy Asha

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Last day of junior year
I couldn't get one thing out of my head. Ranveer is one year older than me which means it's his last day of senior year. It dawned upon me last night that I won't be able to see him anymore. After that incident with Maira at the sushi restaurant, I stopped following him around and doing crazy things to get him to notice me. I just look at him from a distance at least once a day. Actually I got his snapchat through a friend, so that I can see him on the weekends as well. If I don't see him at least once in my day, I get really bitchy. Asha was over at my house and she was saying something but I felt numb. I couldn't hear of feel anything. I wanted to see him one last time, just once. I had to before I went insane. Asha shook me harshly. I looked over at her and she was dead silent for a moment before looking away and saying "your thinking about him aren't you?" I didn't reply, I just looked away. " you won't be able to see him anymore...... you know it's okay to let out our pain. It doesn't make you weaker, in fact you become a stronger person. You can cry, I won't judge you. We can cry together. You truly love. Stop pushing away your emotions, it won't help." I wish I had listened to her, instead I stood up to go grab a snack. " I will go grab us a snack" I was about to leave when Asha spoke out. " I don't how to make you open up, you have to forget about what ur grandpa did to you and you definitely have to get rid of your depression and face your devil....... but unfortunately your my best friend, and I saw how upset you were at school, so I did some research and I figured out where the graduation is happening. We can go if you want." I sighed and looked over at her. "No Asha I do not want to go. I am fine. Let's just go watch a movie and have fun. Just you and me." We both went downstairs and I sat on the couch as Asha put on a movie. I don't know what movie but that didn't matter because I wasn't paying attention. I just suggestion watching a movie because I didn't want her to worry about me. I looked over to see at the screen to see the hero kissing the heroine in the rain. I wondered what if that was me and Ranveer. What would it feel like to be in his arms? To feel protected. To let him help me. To feel happy again. I dreamed of us getting married and growing old together. How he would pamper me. My thoughts were disturbed when I was being pushed of the couch and landed on the floor with a hard THUD! I was confused for a sec before I realized the culprit was ASHA! I looked over at her screamed " why the fuck did you just push me?" She looked over at me satisfied before getting up and saying " Alright, get in the car. Let's go. We have to leave now if we want to make on time." I was confused. Where were we going. " what do you mean let's go. Where exactly are we going?" She rolled her eyes before and said " To Africa einstein." I looked at her like she grew to heads. She got her car keys and said " we are going to Ranveers graduation." Now I was beyond annoyed, I already told her, I didn't want to go and she pushed me so hard, I couldn't feel my ass anymore. " I told you I..." I was cut of to Asha putting a finger to her lips and saying "sssshhhhhh" Asha then walked over to me with a dead glare got down to the floor and came forward until her face was 3inches away from then said in the deadliest tone I have heard " I didn't asked you for your opinion. I am not going to sit here and watch a Bollywood move while my best friend is sitting here missing out on her last opportunity to see the love of her life. Either you will get up on your own and get in the car like a good girl or I will drag your fuck ass out of here and throw you in to the car. Do you understand me?" I wish I had known she wasn't threatening because I looked over at her and said " I told you I don't want to...... aaahhhhhaaaaaa" I could not believe what this bitch I call my best friend was doing to me. She was actually dragging out of my own house by my leg and my parent weren't even home to stop this.

10 mins later

I can't believe this. She actually dragged me out and threw me in to the car and now was having her own concert to the song playing on the radio. Asha looked over and gave me a cheeky smile. I gave her glare and she just smirked then turned around. I looked out the window and slowly fell asleep dreaming of what my life would be like if Ranveer knew I existed and we got married. I was having such a great dream when I was being shake awake. I got up and rubbed my eyes and looked around, as it dawned upon me. I was at the place I despised the most at the moment. RANVEER'S GRADUATION!

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