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5 years later
" No Ranveer plz, i don't mean it. I am not a slut. No. No. NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!"
I woke up drenched in sweat, my breathing was abnormal. It was the same nightmare I had been having after that graduation. The next day after that graduation, the whole thing was all over social media. Ranveer had posted it. That day when I had went to school, all I heard everywhere I went was "slut". Since then all I have are nightmares, where me and Ranveer fall in love, Maira comes just as he is about to kiss me. Then he pushes me away and starts screaming these horrible things at me walks away with her and I hear everyone's laughter. It's the same dream I've been having since that graduation, I usually take my sleeping pills but I guess I forgot. I looked over at my iPhone, it was 7:30am. I was late for work, I worked as a psychologist. Ironic isn't it, I can't deal with my depression but I help other deal with theirs. I got up, did my morning rituals and got ready. I wore a black dress and minimum amount of make up and left to work.

5 hours later
I was coming out my office and into the car. I was going to stop by McDonald's, when I saw people huddling by the end of the Main Street. I drove down and got out to check what was going on. The worst decision I made. I felt the bile rose to my throat. There was a lady maybe in her late 50's suffering for her life. Apparently a car hit her and didn't stop. The sick thing was all these fucked up people were capturing this on their cameras instead of helping. I pushed the people aside and checked her pulse. It was weak and she was losing way too much blood. She won't survive until the ambulance got here. I had to act fast. With the help of some people we got thee in to the back seat of my car and drove off to the hospital. I know this is wrong, but now that I think about it I wish I had just left, maybe then I wouldn't be suffering more pain then I had to.

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