Eternal Sleep

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I had cleaned up the entire house and made dinner. I was about to sit down when I heard the door being opened. I looked up to see Ranveer coming in. I got up to go to him when he threw his coat at me and shoved his bag in my hand. He told me to get him a cup of tea then sat down. I made him his tea and went over to give it to him. He looked stressed. Maybe something was wrong at work. He glanced over at me and his face twisted in disgust. He looked away and said "Go get ready in something presentable. You look like a fucking slut." I looked down I was just in a pair of pyjama shorts and big t-shirt. I didn't see anything wrong with it. I was lost in my thoughts when I felt my left cheek sting with pain and a roaring voice. "Do u not fucking hear me?" I felt the tears at my eyes. No I would not cry in front of him. I replied with a quick sorry and ran off from there. I looked through my closet and found a forest green dress. It had lace full sleeves and stopped above my knees. I put on a whole lot of makeup to cover up all the bruises then put on the dress. I heard the doorbell ring and ran down to get it. Ranveers parents came in. "Hey mom and dad, how are you?" I heard Ranveer behind me. "We are fine dear, how are you Maya" I hugged aunty and uncle. " I am......fine" Ranveer told them to come inside and once they were gone he then looked at me. He took long strides toward me and pinned me against the wall. "You better fucking behave" with that he went to the kitchen. I went behind him and started serving. They were all taking when Ranveer looked at me intently then said. "You know sweetheart, this dress makes you look like an angel!" My eyes widened, I didn't understand why he was being all sweet until I realized he was acting for his parents. I just forced a smile and started serving myself. After we finished eating we all sat down and they were talking when Ranveer held my hand. I looked at him astonished only for him to lean in and gently kiss me. HBE FUCKING KISSED ME! I was still in a daze when aunty giggled and looked over at uncle and said. "Hey honey I think we should leave. Let them have fun!" I looked at aunty shocked. I thought of her like my own mother. Did she not see the helplessness in my eyes. How dead I looked. As they got up I wanted to run to them. Beg them to take me with them. Cry out loud. Tell them not to leave. That the second they left he would hurt me again. I wanted to ask them to stay just so that I could live in this dream a little longer. Where everything was perfect, but reality was that I couldn't do anything about it other than look at their retreating figures. The second he banged the door shut I knew what was to come. He came until he was about a foot away from me and spat right on my face. I felt my heart sink into a deep pit as he said "ugh I can still taste you in my mouth. I don't know what to do anymore. No matter how hard I hurt you. YOU JUST WONT FUCKING DIE!!!! I can feel the bile in my throat at the thought that I had kissed a whore like you." Why was he being so rude. I wish I hadn't said what I said next but my fucking big mouth couldn't keep quiet. I looked at him and barely whispered " I didn't ask you to kiss me. You did it on your own." That's when all hell broke loose. He slapped me so hard I fell to the floor. "You bitch. Are you talking back to me?" With that he came forward and kicked me so hard in the stomach. I felt everything go blurry. Then he gave a maniacal laugh and bent to my level and said in a low psychotic whisper " don't you think I should teach you a lesson for taking back to me." I didn't like where this was going. He gave me a evil smirk and slowly took of his belt. My eyes widened. I tried to crawl away but before I could he had caught me. He whipped me like a beast. I cried, I begged but my screams went deaf to his ears. He didn't stop until parts of my dress was soaked in my own blood. Even then he wasn't satisfied. He grabbed me by the hair and started dragging me. He threw me on the kitchen floor. I have never seen him so happy. He  found his happiness in hurting me. He turned on the stove and I knew what was going to happen. I felt my blood run cold as my body was slowly giving up on me.Wanting to go in to a dark corner where no one would find me and curl up in pain. He pulled me up and whispered in my ear "let this be a lesson!" With that he took both my hands and placed them on the scorching hot stove. My blood curdling scream could be heard throughout the neighbourhood but no one came to help. He didn't let me take my hands off until I couldn't take the pain anymore and slowly fell to the ground. He left me on the floor and slowly walked out. As my eyes slowly closed I heard his phone ring. He picked up and replied with " Sorry sweetheart I was dealing with a bitch over here but I will there in a few minutes angel" That's all I needed
to hear, to know he was taking to Maira. He left me in my misery. I didn't know it was such sin to want to be loved. As I slowly went unconscious I prayed to god hoping this time I would fall asleep for eternity. I hope at least this time I would.......die, but when has god ever given me anything I asked for.

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