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I ran inside the hospital with with the lady in the stretcher. Then admitted her  in icu and I was waiting for someone to show up, from her family. I had asked an old man that had helped me get the lady into the car to see if he could get in contact with a family member. I really hope he was able to, cuz I was starting to panic I didn't know what to do.

10 mins later

I was sitting down on a chair when I was about to doze off, I heard a lot of racket down the hall. I went over to look at a man who was facing the counter, posture stiff. He was in black suit. The aura around him screamed confident and dominating. The receptionist was shrinking in fear. As I got closer I realized what was happening, the man was the son of the lady I had admitted. He seemed mad, actually mad was an understatement he was furious. I guess he really loved his mom. I pushed through the crowd and tried to grab his attention. " excuse me" Alright then he didn't even turn around, he didn't even hear me because he was to busy screaming at the receptionist and officers regarding who had hit his mom. He was starting to piss me off, they are trying their best save his mom and find the culprit but this dimwit was overreacting they can't just make culprit appear through magic now can they. I turned him around harshly and said "hello, you know what you need to stop screaming. This is a hospital not a fucking carnival and there's many other patients, your mother isn't the only one so stop crested so much nuisance and calm the fuck down. The police are trying their best and if you think their job is so easy then find the god damn culprit yourself and if you can't then shut the fuck up!" God I shouldn't of done that. Only after my hour long lecture, did I properly look at his face. I couldn't believe it. My eyes were going to pop out of their sockets. No way, even after 5 fucking years he just got hotter. I thought as you age you get wrinkles and grow ugly, but in his case I guess it was the opposite. I was standing face to face with the love of my life. The one who broke my heart. I wasn't supposed to see him again. Ever. I could hear the walls I built cracking all over again. I was standing in front of Ranveer. The Ranveer Singh. Fuck my life. I saw the rage in his eyes. Considering the strong aura he had, I don't think anyone's ever talked to him like that or disrespected him. He took confident steps toward me, I shouldn't have spoke like that. I am idiot. Oh, god you must save me. He was 5 inches away from me and did the unexpected. He had the guts to grab me. Maya Rathore. A cold hearted emotionless bitch who no one fucked with and then scream at me.  His voice boomed through the hospital. " who do you fucking think you are?!" I looked over, everyone was looking at me in pity and fear. His eyes were blazing red like the fire. I shut my eyes in fear and the day of his graduation flashed before my eyes. The disgust, the laughter, the humiliation. No! I won't let this happen again. I won't let him win and humiliate me again. I am Maya Rathore and I do not give anyone the power to control me. I am a bitch. Keep that in your head Maya. With that thought in mind, I gathered all the strength I had and pushed him away from me with a hard shove. He stumbled back. I took a deep breath and looked at him with courage, confidence and determination and said loud and clear so that everyone could hear, " The last time I checked, I fucking think, I am Maya. Maya Rathore. The woman who admitted your mom in this hospital and may or may not be the fucking reason your mom isn't dead yet on the side of the road like a fucking dog" I smirked as I saw the astonishment in his eyes, then walked of back to the section his mom was admitted in like the fucking badass bitch I am.

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