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"Ahhhhaaaaa" my screaming could be heard through the hospital. Don't judge, saying I would give my blood was easy but doing it was a whole new thing. That long ass needle isn't going inside of me. I guess my screaming caused Ranveer to come here. "Why are you screaming? Is everything okay?" I was lying down on the bed but I promise you if I could I would jump out the window from embarrassment. The nurse gave him a irritated look and said " she is scared of needles and won't let me take her blood!" Ranveer looked down at me like i grew two heads. " what the fuck, you screamed as if your being killed." He came over to me and sat down on the chair. "Please do this for me. I love my mom and I can't let her die. Please help me!" I looked away as tears came all over again. NO I WILL NOT CRY!!! "Alright, Srry go ahead and take the blood" I turned my head to the other side and closed my eyes while biting my lip. I could feel myself shaking in fear. That's when I felt tingles through the hand that wasn't being injected. I opened my eyes and looked down to find something so amazing that on any other day I would've died that instant. Ranveer was holding my hand. He was holding the hand of the girl he called a slut. I looked up at him and his chocolate brown eyes. They were so hypnotizing. I felt the electric sparks. We were lost in each other's eyes, but the stupid fucking nurse ruined our moment. Our first moment. " alright and done, see that wasn't so bad." I was too lost in my thoughts to answer. She gave me a cup of juice and told me I could go wait outside. After drinking I was going outside but my arm was so sore. I am really physically sensitive. I sat down and heard the phone ring. "Hey Ranveer, can u grab my phone and put it on speaker?" He took my phone out of my bag and put it on speaker and I promise you at the way the noise came out of that phone, you would think there was a fucking serial killer in the loose. "You fucking little bitch. Do you know how many fucking times I called you? I thought you died!!! I was so worried. Where on earth are you?!! It's almost ducking midnight. You better get your ass home. I am gonna kill you with my bare hands!!!" I promise you, I know for sure that China probably heard Asha screaming. Ranveer looked shocked and then bursts out laughing. I took the phone from Ranveer and ran away from there to explain the situation. I just didn't tell her one thing and that's that the guy I was with was Ranveer, but I mean it's not that important. Right? I went back to Ranveer and sat beside him. The night went by as we both dozed of together.

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