AB Negative Blood

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I thought they would've broken up. How are they still together?! Wait, are the married? Oh god, no I hope not. I was broken from my train of thoughts to Ranveer yelling furiously " When I find the asshole responsible for this, I WILL KILL THAT MOTHERFUCKER!" Ugh, he was starting to piss me off with all the screaming and yelling. Plus that Maira bitch so close to him,wasn't helping. I went over and stood behind him. "Do me a favour and shut the fuck up! Stop overreacting! She's still alive and with all the nuisance your causing the other patients are gonna think there's a damn Godzilla on the loose. So calm the fuck down" you would think after that he would shut up or turn around and fucking curl me in to a ball then throw me in to a corner but this son of a bitch kept on taking to Maira like I didn't even exist. Ugh, there's no point talking to him. I went back and took my seat and pretended to sleep so that I could listen to their conversation. I know it's bad, but I had too. I mean, wouldn't you? It seemed that Ranveer was asking Maira to leave. He didn't want anyone to see them together because his family didn't know they were dating.Thank god that means there not married. They were having there moment and it was starting to bother me. The 2 idiots were acting like there in a fucking Bollywood movie. It's not the last time you'll be seeing each other. After there make out session Ranveer came and sat down. I got up and thought I would go grab a snack. "I am gonna grab some food you want anything?......" alright then I if he isn't gonna answer I am gonna take that as a no. I went down to the cafeteria and looked around for somewhere I can buy something I like. Oh wait there's a McDonald's. I love there coffee and vanilla chai frappes. I went over got a large coffee frappe and was going back. There I saw the doctor talking to Ranveer. As I saw the doctor walking away, I ran over to Ranveer. He seemed more stressed and scared. "What did the doctor say? Is she alright?" He looked at me with the same rage. OMG what have I done now. All I asked was if his mom is alright not his god damn first born child. "Look here I don't know who you are and I don't care. This is my mom and my life stop getting involved. Get the fuck out of here and leave me alone." Oh my fucking god, I would be surprised if I don't kill him with my bare hands. "God who do you think you are? Hrithik Roshan? Trust me I didn't wake up this morning and pray to god to let me spend my evening with Ranveer the arrogant asshole. I am just here out of humanity. So don't think I like it cuz I hate your presence as much as you hate mine, you fucking nincompoop!"I heard the devil scream " you fucking liar, you love his presence even after all the rude things he has done to you." Ranveer looked confused. "How do you know my name?" Oh shit I fucked up. Come on maya think of an excuse! Think!Think! Think! "um your girlfriend said your name" Great he didn't seem convinced "how do you know she is my girlfreind" was this idiot short a few brain cells. "Oh you kknow it's not like you were practically fucking her in the middle of the hospital or anything!" Heseemed convinced with that. "okay then" thank god! I sat down and was texting my mom I would be late ,while Ranveer was busy making phone calls. After a few minutes the doctor came back. I went over to Ranveer and the doctor, when I heard the doctor say "Ranveer you need to find the AB negative blood fast. We are running out of time. Your mothers already lost too much blood and the blood banks are out of stock. AB negative is really rare. You need to find it fast" so that's what the doctor and him were talking about. Why didn't the idiot just tell me. "I am trying doctor. Please save her. I can't live without my mom." Awww he really loves his mom. I went a little closer and tried talking to the doctor "Excuse me doctor" Ranveer let out a frustrated sigh and looked at me with irritation. "Listen here you bitch. Just get lost. I don't have time to deal with your petty attitude" ugh why couldn't he just let me talk to the doctor. " You fucking dimwit, I have AB NEGATIVE blood. The blood type your looking for. Your mom would be awake by now if you just told me this was the fucking problem  the first time I asked you but your ego wouldn't let you. Now shut the fuck up and go sit in a corner......Anyways doctor, you can take my blood!" With that I went over grabbed my purse and went behind the doctor. As I was walking I turned around to look at Ranveer. He looked up at me with tears in his eyes and mouthed "thank you" That's the first time in my life that Ranveer had ever been genuine to me. If only I knew that I was also getting closer to that last time Ranveer would be nice to me.

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