Class Time

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I see him, the same guy from the hallway. He has the face of a God, he is lean and tall. What more could one want. I look up to see him staring..

at ME !

I feel my cheeks start to heat up

"Uh...Hi again," I mumble

"Hey cutie we meet again I see," He says with the cutest smile.

"Yea guess so"

I take my seat at the back of the class. I hate the front that is entirely too close to the teacher. The teacher informs us that her name is Ms. McMan. I begin to draw in my book, until I feel a hot breath on the nape of my neck. I jumped "OMG don't do that you scared me half to death!!" I practically scream at him.

"Sorry love didn't mean to scare you....What are you drawing?" He says

I was drawing him. I scramble to cover up my work "N-N-nothing why are you even over here?" He starts to slide his finger up my arm. Everywhere he touches is burning up. "I came to talk to you," He breathes. He is centimeters away from my face. I feel my heart beat quicken and my blood moving faster.

"O-ohh uh....That's n-nice" I stumble. Why does he make me feel this way!? Ring Ring

That was the bell I gathered my things to leave when I feel a sudden pull on my bag. It was none other than the Mystery Man.

I look around to see we are the only ones in the classroom. My heart beat quickens. "Soo .." He grabs my waist and pulls me closer, "Wanna go somewhere after school?"

"W-with you?" I ask. As soon as the question leaves my mouth I regret it. I could be such an Idiot.

"Yes Bae with me" He says cooly inching his face closer and closer.

"O-oh alright" I say. I feel as though I have been running miles with the way my heart was beating now. Next thing I know his lips come crashing down onto mine. I lean into his body to deepen the kiss. He had me swooning over him.

He pulled away to put his forehead on mine. "Soo I'll see you later babe?" "Of course" I said breathlessly. He left me standing there to catch my breathe. Did I really just kiss him? I thought OMG I DID ! you can't just go around kissing people! I told myself it would never happen again....and hopefully I'm wrong.

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