What are YOU doing here?

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Chapter 5


I walk at a fast pace to answer the door. I check myself one last time to see if I'm alright.

"Wow your here earl-"

"Wasn't expecting me where you?" Sam says. Sam is my ex. He doesn't leave me alone though. He is obsessed with me even though I broke his heart over the summer. He obviously doesn't understand the meaning of a breakup.

"Why are you here?" I spit coldly.

"I came to see you."

"You saw me now leave. " I begin to close the door but he put his hand on it to stop it.

"Now now we don't want that would we?"

"Yes we would. Leave.  NOW!" I say starting to get angry.

"Fine but not with out this." 

Next thing I know I'm being yanked forward and he has his hand on my hips. He is leaning in to kiss me. Then he doesn't and I see him stumbling backward. I see a familiar car park in front of my house.

"Don't you dare touch her again. " Darion says angrily.

"I do what I want with my hands." Sam spits back.

"And I will gladly do the same with mine" Sam says.

"Man whatever. " Sam says and he gets up to leave.

"Thank you" I say

"No problem Bae. Are you ready to go?"


We are on the way to somewhere I have no idea where we going.

"Darion ..where are we going?"

"You'll see"

I look out the window as we speed down the street. A few minuets later we enter a neighborhood. Its a nice neighborhood, big houses, nice cars. Soon we pull into a driveway. I take my seatbelt off and Darion comes around to open the door. We lock arms as we walk up the steps.

"Welcome to my humble abode!"

"Wow" was all I could manage his house was huge and pretty. He had a spiral staircase, a balcony, a grand piano and a Flat screen mounted against the wall.

We enter the dinette area and he has a table set up for me and him complete with a table cloth, and candles and two plates with wine glasses

"This is so pretty"

he pulls out a chair for me to sit in. 

"Wait here I'll bring out our food"


As I sit there I feel my phone buzz.

When you get home from your date don't forget to tell me every detail. ~Dj

I text her back and said okay .

He brings out the food and sets it on my plate, he pours champagne into our glasses, and dims the lights.

"Bon apetite. This is baked salmon with rice "

"Wow I didn't know you could cook" I say..not that I knew a lot about him anyway.

"Yes I cook a lot. since I'm mostly home by myself a lot.."

"Why is that?"

"My mom is gone and my dad travels alot. "

"Oooh My mom does the same and my dad is gone" I say sadly.

"Wow we are alike"

We finish the conversation and I feel a slight buzz from this champagne. We go into the living room and watch a movie.

About Halfway through the movie he pulls me closer to him. He takes his thumb and pushes my chin up so I am facing him. He studies my face and then his lips came to devour mine.

He nibbles in my bottom lip asking for entrance, that I allow. Our tounges were dancing to their own beat. He pushes me back against the couch and we are kissing deeper and more passionate than before.

After a few minutes we pull apart, slightly out of breathe. We turn to watch the rest of the movie. I feel myself drifting to sleep. Soon I feel. myself being carried to a room, guessing his room..

He carried me to his room and laid me down onto his bed. I felt the bed dip and he slid into the covers next to me.

"Goodnight Love" He said a little hoarse.

"goodnight"I say tiredly.

Wow the second time in 2 days. I can't believe it and I.... SLEPT KNOW HIS BED!!!!!!! This is soon much.  I'll have a lot to tell Dj tomorrow.

Soon I feel my self drift into sleep

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