Who Loves Lucy

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****Phil's POV***

"Dan! Are you nearly ready?" I called out to my roommate, "PJ and Chris will be here any minute to pick us up!"

"Now.. where is he..." i mumble to myself, searching the flat for Dan. AH HA! He's in the bathroom. Case solved! (I really only knew because I saw the light on under the door)

"Dan, I'm coming in so you better not be on the toilet," I say, letting myself into the small bathroom's doorway.

Dan was straightening his hair. Thank god, I didn't feel like seeing him taking a dump.

"Why do you always have to straighten your hair? It looks good natural you know," I nag.

"Yeah, yeah Phil whatever you say," he says with a laugh, "but my hobbit hair isn't going outside this apartment. I'm almost ready to go Phil, so quit tapping your toe."

I was about to make a clever remark when I hear somebody scream, "DING DONG!!"

Must be Chris.

I leave Dan to get on his shoes and head for the door. I'm greeted with an excited Chris and PJ.

"Why don't you have a door bell?"

"I honestly don't know Chris, but I DO know that there's a thing called knocking. You know, opposed to screaming bloody murder."

Chris just shrugs. Then Dan arrives at my side, finally ready.

"Let's go then?"

And with that, we left to go to a party at PJ's cousin's house in Downtown.

The car ride there was filled with jokes and ideas for our youtube videos. Nothing unusual.

When we got there I was surprised to see how big the house was, and by how many people were there. It's like a college party i think. We are right next to a University.

PJ and Chris venture off themselves to talk to who I presume is PJ's cousin.

Me and Dan make our way into a house full of strangers. PJ and Chris soon meet us again and PJ introduces us to some of his cousin's freinds (that PJ also knows).

They are a real cool bunch of people. Very friendly. I'm almost instantly comfortable with all of them...... except for Lucy.

Don't get me wrong, I love people. But Lucy, she's one of those people that just gives me a bad vibe. So I don't talk to her much. Which isn't hard considering there's A LOT of people here.

I get up and leave to go to the bathroom. But, I got a bit lost. I should've asked where the bathroom was, but being me, I didn't.

So I end up walking aimlessly around the bloody house for a good ten minutes before I find what I was looking for.

After I do my business, I find my way back to the group (another 10 minutes) but when I got there I couldn't find Dan.

Or Lucy.

I quickly spot PJ and ask him,"Hey PJ, where'd Dan go?"

"I believe I saw him head towards the kitchen," he replied, gesturing his cup towards the other room.

"Thanks, Peej."

Typical Dan. He's ALWAYS hungry. I should've known to look in the kitchen.

Once I'm in there I find out he's not snacking. Well at least not on food.

I'm struck by the horrific sight of Dan, my best friend, SUCKING FACE with none other than bloody Lucy. Right there against the counter top!

"DAN!" I shriek before I can stop myself.

Him and Lucy both stop eating each other and look at me with that "what the heck" look that I tend to get.

"What Phil?" he asks in a serious tone, which is pretty rare for him.

I must've embarrassed him, because he's immediatly apologizing to Lucy.

I can't take it. I rush out of that stupid house, past Chris and PJ, past all the drunk, happy strangers, and I head home. Walking.


HEY :) ME AGAIN. ^.^

I know things are a little slow, but it'll pick up once the plot thickens


So I hope to make my chapters pretty short, like this one, so that I can upload more frequently.

PLS COMMENT and/or FAVORITE or Whatever xD

Ps. if you're here from my instagram account (@amazingwhut) then pls comment your insta username on here and I'll spam you or something c:

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